
Feasibility study of laboratory work

Chemist and microbiologist Abdelrhman Youssef explains the criteria a laboratory must fulfil if it wants to succeed.

Chemical analysis is an important element of a food laboratory’s remit, used to determine whether a product is safe for consumption and even establish its nutritional content. However, in order to offer such services, there are several requirements a lab must adhere to and these can be divided into five sections. In this article, I explore the obligations within each section.

Legal requirements

Depending on whether you intend to design your lab as a building, lab container or mobile facility, you must obtain governmental approval pertaining to the appropriate environmental and safety regulations. You should have an EHS programme in place (environment, health and safety).

An EHS programme involves developing methodical procedures for handling waste that comply with environmental guidelines and minimise the carbon footprint created by the company. A successful EHS programme must also outline how to address ergonomics and maintain good air quality and safety in the workplace, that may impact on employee health and well-being.