
New Food Issue 6 2020

Posted: 10 December 2020 | | No comments yet

Issue 6 2020 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on food safety, confectionery, ingredients and our Application Note Supplement…

NF Issue #6

What did you eat for last night’s dinner? What about the night before, last week or last month…? Was it varied or do similarities crop up? I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pattern. We consume only a tiny proportion of the variety of food available to us. In fact, according to Unilever’s Executive Vice President of Global Food, 75 percent of the global food supply is comprised of a mere 12 crops and five animal species.

So what? Maybe you really like carrots, and they’re good for you, right? Well, yes; but this monotony is having a greater impact than you might think. Or maybe you know this; perhaps I’m preaching to the converted and you’re working with a forward-thinking brand, making strides in promoting biodiversity. Either way, it is clear that more must be done to promote the issue to consumers and explain its importance.

Included in this edition:

    The COVID-19 challenge to food safety – Lesley Thompson interviews NSF International’s Consulting and Technical Services Director on the effects of lockdown on food business operators and food safety.
    Combining experience with innovation –  New Food hears from a Lindt Maître Chocolatier on what makes chocolate premium and the rise of dark chocolate
    Can plants fix our broken food system? – Bethan Grylls interviews Robbert de Vreede, Unilever’s Executive VP of Global Food on why he believes plant-based is the future
    It’s good to talk – Intertek offers expert advice on lab and customer communication.
    The 10 biggest mistakes made during a food recall.

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