
eBook: Mastering food quality: Innovative analytical solutions for optimised laboratory operations

Unlock advanced methods for food testing with expert insights from Waters to ensure safety, quality and efficiency in your lab operations.

In today’s fast-paced food and beverage industry, ensuring the safety, quality and authenticity of food products is more important than ever. With increasing consumer demands and stringent regulations, food testing laboratories face the challenge of staying ahead of industry standards. 

This eBook is a comprehensive guide for food industry professionals seeking to enhance their laboratory testing capabilities. It offers the latest scientific insights and practical solutions for optimising workflows and improving efficiency through advanced technologies.

Inside, you’ll find a curated selection of application notes from Waters‘ expert scientists, covering key testing areas:

  • Sugar substitutes: accurate analysis methods for sugar alcohols, sucralose in beverages and soft drink additives
  • Sugars: advanced techniques for quantifying mono and disaccharides in foods and methods for detecting low-level lactose in dairy products
  • Vitamins: precise analysis of fat- and water-soluble vitamins, with methodologies for distinguishing natural from synthetic
  • Organic acids: innovative approaches to analysing a wide range of organic and citric acids
  • Amino acids: in-depth exploration of amino acid analysis, including automated preparation and pre-column derivatisation techniques.

By implementing the advanced procedures and techniques presented in this eBook, you can enhance your lab’s efficiency, reduce re-analysis and achieve cost and time savings. Download the full eBook today to access these leading insights from Waters!