
Guide to Testing

Read about the key topics impacting the food and beverage industry including the future of food safety, innovations in pathogen detection and integrated liquid chromatography.

Written by experts from leading companies including Bio-Rad Laboratories, NEMIS Technologies and Shimadzu, this guide will provide you with the latest knowledge and strategies to implement in your testing.

Articles include:

Future of food safety testing

Bio-Rad Laboratories’ Helen Fong looks at the future of food safety testing and the role of advanced serotyping methods in preventing outbreaks.

Advancing pathogen detection

NEMIS Technologies discusses the company’s commitment to advancing pathogen detection with rapid, reliable and specific testing solutions for safety in the food production environment.

Integrated liquid chromatography

Shimadzu offers insight into its application that introduces the simultaneous analysis of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides in beer using the i-Series LC-2050C integrated high-performance liquid chromatograph with an ELSD-LT III.

Download your copy of our Guide to Testing today to ensure you’re up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.