
My Food Job Rocks! hosted by Adam Yee

Posted: 14 June 2016 | Nicole Gallace & Juliette Prouse - Co-Founders, FoodGrads | 1 comment

Here, Nicole Gallace and Juliette Prouse discuss an innovation that raises awareness of the employment opportunities available in the food industry…

A Millennial Food Scientist from Arizona approached FoodGrads after reading ‘On the Challenges Facing the Food Industry in Recruitment’ published by New Food Magazine back in April.  He had a simple question afterwards;

 “How Can I Help?”

This was music (or rather, a great radio voice with a personality to match) to our ears!  Here’s some background if you haven’t read the article.  It seems people ‘fall’ into careers in food.  We had no idea to what extent this statement was true, since listening to countess stories of how people ended up in the food industry, how it was never an intentional career choice.  Also listening to feedback from the food industry, for an industry that is growing exponentially, why can’t they find the people and skills needed?  We found ourselves extremely invested in a very real issue, aware that we need young people like Adam to show an interest and help.

My Food Job Rocks

The curious thing is the Plant Managers, Farmers, Marketing Managers, Food Scientists, R&D Technicians, Food Writers, Chefs etc. etc. we spoke with LOVE what they do for a living, they are excited to share their stories and keen to spread the word.  So, if it’s such a great gig, why aren’t more young people thinking of the food industry when they think about their future career choices?

There is very little awareness of what the people in the food industry actually do.  This stems back to the lack of knowledge and awareness of the range of degree courses and programs available that will equip them for a career in food.

My FoodJobRocks! by Adam Yee is the first podcast of its kind that allows listeners to hear directly from people who are in the food industry and have a passion for what they do.  They share how they became involved in food and describe what it is they do, plus a few more fun questions just to keep things entertaining.  Listen to them here, and stay tuned for a new episode every Monday (also available in iTunes).

We are eternally grateful–thanks to New Food Magazine–that Adam found us and this important Podcast now exists. A spotlight on food careers is well overdue to combat the current skills shortage and fulfill a need for forward thinking, socially conscious, dynamic people to join the food industry.

Thank you New Food Magazine for the unintentional introduction.  We encourage you to share this article with anyone you feel would enjoy learning about different occupations in food, learning about different food companies.  Share with those who wish to educate themselves, knowledge is power and being able to decipher fact from fiction with regards to food is a life skill we should all be interested in honing.

Help us spread the word; we all need the Food Industry to thrive!

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One response to “My Food Job Rocks! hosted by Adam Yee”

  1. Sophie Mibus says:

    Dear Nicole & Juliette
    Thanks SO much for this article. Le Cordon Bleu offers a degree to prepare students for an exciting and rewarding career in food. Check out our Bachelor of Business (Food Entrepreneurship) – for all the foodie subjects combined with all the business management skills to succeed in the food industry!
    We can arrange a radio interview with our Academic Director or even better one of our students about the fun aspects of her course – like small goods, sour dough, cheese production, designing, brewing, branding and launching your own beer label, visiting food producers and more….

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