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Potatoes: a lasting affair for the UK consumer

9 April 2018 | By

Even in the face of competition from pasta and rice, the UK’s affection for the humble spud shows little signs of abating. Phil Britton assesses the current picture in terms of market share, product diversification and breeding developments.

Issue #2 2018 – Digital Version

6 April 2018 | By

In this issue; Food Fraud 2018: getting to the heart of the matter at New Food’s global conference, QA/QCs – new approaches in the field of method validation and testing of contaminants, and catering for the less-sweet tooth and healthier palate through innovative reformulation

Mycotoxins: invisible and insidious foodborne toxicants

23 February 2018 | By ,

Mycotoxins are small molecular weight fungal toxins that contaminate over 25% of the global food supply, leading to annual losses of around 1.0 billion tons of food and food products. Ahmad Alshannaq and Jae-Hyuk Yu, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, consider which foods are most susceptible to contamination and the…

Mycotoxins: time for a global rethink?

23 February 2018 | By

Much remains unknown about mycotoxins. A much better understanding is needed of their effects and how to mitigate their impact on human wellbeing, farm animal wellbeing and reducing food waste to bolster food security, says Chris Elliott.

Towards a safer workplace

17 February 2018 | By

Workplace injuries in the food and drink manufacturing sector have been reduced by 60% since 1990, and there have been considerable improvements in tackling ill health caused by work. But the injury rate is still more than double the average for the manufacturing sector as whole. HSE Inspector Warren Pennington…