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Managing foreign body contamination risk in the food chain

30 June 2015 | By Simon Lott, Commissioning Editor, New Food

In May, UK supermarkets including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons and Waitrose were forced to recall a variety of products with potato ingredients due to the presence of small metal pieces. While in this instance, this did not lead to any public health problems, such incidents are a constant concern for manufacturers…

The RESFOOD Project: Resource efficiency in the food chain

30 June 2015 | By Willy van Tongeren, René Jurgens and Wilfred Appelman, TNO | Ester Segal, Technion | Eva Petri, CNTA | Maarten Uyttebroek, VITO | Rafael Munoz Duque, ADESVA

The increasing demand for healthy and nutritious food requires an efficient use of the natural resources allocated to food production and processing. The EU funded project RESFOOD develops technologies and tools to overcome the barriers to a resource efficient food chain, leading to a reduction of water and energy use…

Optimising efficiency at the world’s largest dairy processing plant

30 June 2015 | By Arla Foods

In May 2014, Arla Foods officially opened its ‘zero carbon’ dairy processing plant in Aylesbury. The facility, which is a world first and the UK’s largest, brings together a number of innovative features and in doing so, acts as a showcase for the development of efficient and environmentally friendly design in…

Live monitoring of mycotoxin risk in wheat crops during flowering

30 June 2015 | By Sarah Wynn and Rebecca Carter, ADAS UK Ltd

Mycotoxins are a human health risk even at low concentrations, but cereals which can contain mycotoxins are a major dietary source, particularly wheat and maize. In this article, we describe monitoring methods that can be practically used in crop production to minimise the risk of contaminated grain reaching the food…

In a nutshell with Katherine Stenerson, Sigma-Alrich

30 June 2015 | By New Food

Katherine Stenerson, Principal Applications Scientist at the Applied R&D Group, Sigma-Aldrich discusses the analysis of pesticides in fatty foods using zirconia-based sorbents for sample cleanup.

Issue #2 2015 – Digital edition

29 April 2015 | By

In this issue: Allergen Control, Metabolomics, Healthy Snacks supplement, Extrusion, Gluten Free, Refridgeration, Meat Processing, Fats & Oils, Processing & Sensor Technology, Food Safety, Packaging, Beverage Processing and much more...

Food allergen labelling: Legislative requirements and guidance

24 April 2015 | By Barbara Gallani and Alex Turtle, Food and Drink Federation (FDF)

The Food Information to Consumers (FIC) Regulation (No 1169/2011, as amended)1 has introduced new rules for the provision of information on allergens. This Regulation, which came into force across the entire EU on 13th December 2014, combines general and nutrition labelling provisions together into a single regulation to simplify and…

Healthy Snacks supplement 2015

23 April 2015 | By New Food magazine

In this Healthy Snacks supplement, Kellogg's Leonnard Ojwang discusses the development of healthy, nourishing snack foods, plus a look at how popping physics can help to reduce salt in snacks...

Pasta extrusion: Precooked and gluten free products

23 April 2015 | By Dr Sajid Alavi, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University

Pasta products such as spaghetti and macaroni are usually made from wheat semolina. Wheat has a unique property of forming an extensible, elastic and cohesive mass when mixed with water due to its gluten proteins, and this lends to pasta the desired strength, integrity of cooked product and low cooking…

Metabolomics as a new technique for nutritional claims discovery and validation

23 April 2015 | By Claudio Luchinat and Claudio Santucci, CERM (Magnetic Resonance Center), University of Florence and Leonardo Tenori, FiorGen Foundation

Metabolites are the final products of cellular activities and their levels in a living organism can change according to genetic or environmental factors. The set of metabolites synthesised by a biological system is called ‘metabolome’1. Metabolomics is a further ‘omics’ discipline which deals with the analysis of metabolic responses of living systems…

Gluten free oat manufacturing

23 April 2015 | By Derek Croucher, Technical Director, Morning Foods

The gluten free category undoubtedly presents major opportunities to food manufacturers and significant health benefits to consumers, but there are many challenges relating to gluten free legislation and the realities of the oat supply chain. The onus is therefore on manufacturers, like Morning Foods, to ensure a strict supply chain…

Refrigeration: Can magnetism improve the storage of foods?

23 April 2015 | By Christian James, Graham Purnell & Stephen J James, Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre, Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education

Frozen food is one of the largest sectors of the food industry and its value is increasing throughout the world. According to market research by Food For Thought, the frozen food market in seven of the major Western European economies was valued at €83.51 billion in 2013 and is expected…

Mechanically separated meat and meat structure

23 April 2015 | By Kathy Groves, Manager – Microscopy & Food Innovation, Leatherhead Food Research

Mechanically separated meat (MSM), or mechanically recovered meat (MRM) is a topic of debate within the EU as to whether it should be considered as meat in Quantitative Ingredient Declarations (QUID) terms. The current regulatory position is that MSM cannot count towards the meat content and must be declared on…

The art of oil processing consistency

23 April 2015 | By Emma Woods, Technical Manager, Phoenix Speciality Oils

Ensuring consistency during the production of high quality, extra virgin cold pressed oils doesn’t begin at the pressing or filling lines – it starts years before that. The actual process of creating seed oils isn’t that complicated. Seeds get pressed, solids get removed and the remaining oil is then filtered…

Pulsed light applications in food processing

23 April 2015 | By Eduardo Puértolas and Iñigo Martínez-de-Marañón, Food Research Division, AZTI-Tecnalia

Improving the competitiveness of the European Food Industry requires upgrading food quality, developing new products, opening new market opportunities and/or reducing production costs. In this context, extraordinary research work has been devoted to non-thermal processing techniques. In this context, one of the novel technologies that has gained increasing interest in…