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Fat bloom and cracking of filled chocolates: issues for the European manufacturer?

10 September 2009 | By Frédéric Depypere, Claudia Delbaere, Nathalie De Clercq & Koen Dewettinck, Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering, Ghent University

The European chocolate manufacturing market, comprising over 2,000 companies and employing more than 200,000 people, has an annual turnover of approximately EUR 43 billion and exports chocolate for a value of more than three billion Euros. Specific for the European market is the large proportion (over 90 per cent) of…

Ethics in a downturn

10 September 2009 | By Alex Cole, Global Corporate Affairs Director, Cadbury

Talking to ordinary consumers about ethical issues is in Cadbury's DNA. Two hundred years ago, the Cadbury family set out to market hot chocolate as an alternative to alcohol, priced within the reach of the ‘common man' and with a guarantee of purity in an age when adulteration with brick…

Detecting bacterial spores in soup manufacturing

10 September 2009 | By A.C.M van Zuijlen & S.J.C.M Oomes, Unilever R&D; P. Vos, Check-Points B.V. and S. Brul, University of Amsterdam

Spores from mesophilic aerobic sporeforming bacteria (Bacillus) are sometimes able to survive the thermal process of commercial sterile products and sporadically cause spoilage or food poisoning. Because of an increasing demand for more fresh products, ideally the processing temperatures should be tailored to inactivate the actual spore load rather than…

Ingredients: Microencapsulation of food ingredients: still a field to be explored?

10 September 2009 | By Adem Gharsallaoui, Temporary Associate Professor, AgroSup Dijon (France)

The food industry uses more and more purified natural and synthetic fragile substances today, and consequently, there is an increased need to protect these ingredients. Functional food ingredients, such as flavours, vitamins or antioxidants, are sensitive to environmental stress during manufacturing, storage and consumption of the food product. Furthermore, loss…

How to determine the spray drying parameters of dairy and food concentrates?

10 September 2009 | By Pierre Schuck & Romain Jeantet, INRA and Agrocampus Ouest and Eric Blanchard, Laiterie de Montaigu

Pierre Shuck and associates discuss spray drying parameters of dairy products. In part one, featured in this issue of New Food, the authors discuss the rationale behind their studies and introduce a new method of spray drying. Part two will feature in our next issue of New Food and reveal…

One drop at a time: a revolution in drying evaluation technology

10 September 2009 | By Jakob Sloth, Research Scientist, GEA Niro

The ability to test products and processes has always been an essential part of new product development. Until now, food processing companies have had to conduct exhaustive tests to establish the most appropriate formulations to optimise taste and the manufacturing process. But now a new particle analysis process, pioneered by…

Ingredients: Modulation of saliva flow, saliva lubricating properties and related lingering perceptions by refreshing water ice consumption

10 September 2009 | By D. Labbe & N. Martin, Department of Food Consumer Interaction, Nestlé Research Centre

Refreshing in foods and drinks is a perception strongly related to mouth state after product consumption. Oral dryness and roughness are lingering perceptions negatively related to refreshing perception whereas mouth wetting perception is a positive driver of refreshing perception. Since saliva seems to be related to mouth wetting, we explored…

Industry Insight: Established relationships and high performance

10 September 2009 | By Ian Davidson, Exxon Mobil Lubricants & Petroleum Specialities

The second and concluding part of New Food's interview with Ian Davidson, Exxon Mobil Lubricants & Petroleum Specialities, discusses what the future will bring both for the company and for the industry.

Hyperspectral chemical imaging maps food composition in laboratory and on-line

10 September 2009 | By T. Hyvärinen & H. Karjalainen, SPECIM, Spectral Iimaging Ltd; D. Nilsson, Umbio AB and K. Lynch, Gilden Photonics

Hyperspectral imaging combines digital imaging with precise spectral information in each image pixel. It enables composition mapping in food and agricultural raw materials and products based on differences in the spectral signatures of the various chemical ingredients. Advances in hyperspectral cameras and image processing solutions are now making hyperspectral imaging…

Future applications for brewers’ spent grain

10 September 2009 | By Annika Wilhelmson, Pekka Lehtinen, Niklas von Weymarn, Merja Itävaara, Juhani Sibakov, Raija-Liisa Heiniö, Pirkko Forssell & Johanna Buchert, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

The brewery by-product Brewers' Spent Grains (BSG) is composed of the insoluble cereal residue that is separated from the mash before fermentation. It is estimated that the annual production of BSG is approximately 30 million tonnes worldwide. BSG consists mainly of the insoluble covering layers of the barley malt, i.e.…

Cisgenesis: a novel way to combat late blight

10 September 2009 | By Anton Haverkort, Senior Researcher, Wageningen University and Research Centre

In most countries with temperate climates, cereal, notably wheat, is the most important arable crop. In a few countries such as the Netherlands, potato dominates. In the European Union, over 50 million hectares of wheat is grown against approximately two million hectares of potato, yielding some 70 million tons of…

Online detection of foreign bodies in packaged foods using ultrasound

10 September 2009 | By Gauri S. Mittal, Professor, School of Engineering, University of Guelph

The presence of foreign bodies (FBs) in processed foods is one of the major concerns of the food industry, and their detection and identification are important in quality assurance and safety. An FB is any undesirable piece of solid matter present in a food product. When foods are manufactured or…

Use of molecular techniques in the food industry

1 June 2009 | By Mieke Uyttendaele and Andreja Rajkovic, Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Preservation, Ghent University

Microbial analysis in foods is an integrated part of management of microbial safety in the food chain. Both competent authorities and individual food business operators use microbial analysis for monitoring of the actual situation and trend analysis in order to detect emerging risks. For compliance testing to defined microbiological criteria…

An excellent track record

1 June 2009 | By An interview with Ian Davidson of Exxon Mobil Lubricants & Petroleum Specialities

In the first of a two part series interview, Helen Difford, New Food, speaks with Ian Davidson of Exxon Mobil Lubricants & Petroleum Specialities about the company’s current role in the food industry.

New developments in low field NMR for the characterisation of food microstructure

1 June 2009 | By Matthieu Adam-Berret and François Mariette, Cemagref & Université européenne de Bretagne

Fats are present in most food products and they have a significant importance for fat-containing products such as chocolate and butter. The physical properties of fats depend on the polymorphic behaviour and inter-solubility of their major triacylglycerol components and the phase behaviour of these mixtures is of paramount importance for…