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Polydextrose: No compromise with taste or texture

26 August 2010 | By Dr. Jérôme Tauzin, Product Manager Fibres, Tate & Lyle

Polydextrose is a soluble fibre with prebiotic properties that is very well tolerated, has a low glycemic response, is clean-tasting and easy to use. With only one kcal/g, it is also a premium, low-calorie bulking agent used to provide body and texture in reduced-calorie, no added and sugar free foods.…

Knowledge transfer of the scientific results in Pathogen- Combat to European SMEs

26 August 2010 | By Klaus Hadwiger & Susanne Braun, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Economics and Law

PathogenCombat is an integrated project under the EU 6th Framework Programme which uses a holistic, multidisciplinary approach towards threats from new/emerging pathogens in the entire food chain. The project started on 1 April 2005 and ran until April 2010 with the full title: “Control and prevention of emerging and future…

Benefit of chewing: Current evidence and future direction

26 August 2010 | By Taichi Inui, Technology Scientist, Wrigley Science Institute

Oral stimuli, such as flavour, taste and mastication, have been suggested to impact both oral and systemic health. Chewing gum, as a non-nutritive source of such oral stimuli, may serve as a food surrogate and help control adverse health conditions related to food intake, such as caries and obesity. Recent…

The DNA of safer lubricants: product and systems certification

26 August 2010 | By Sarah Krol, General Manager, NSF Internatinal

For decades, manufacturers, retailers and trade organisations have emphasised voluntary compliance of government food safety standards with a strong focus on product safety. Today, global retailers and manufacturers are working to find common ground with schemes that focus on the quality and effectiveness of the underlying management systems involved in…

Extrusion of cereals

26 August 2010 | By Mian N. Riaz, Head of Extrusion Technology Program, Texas A&M University

The world cereal yield was 2,219 million tons in 2009, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation1. Cereal grains are grown all over the world and provide more food energy than any other type of crop, they are therefore staple crops. Cereals can be consumed in their natural…

An interview with Brian McKenna, President of EFFoST

26 August 2010 | By Brian McKenna, EFFoST

Currently serving his second term as President of EFFoST, the European Federation of Food Science & Technology, Brian McKenna sat down with New Food editor Helen Difford to talk about the group. Brian, can you give some insight into who and what EFFoST is?

FISHing for pathogens: Rapid detection of whole microbial cells in foods

30 June 2010 | By Byron Brehm-Stecher, Assistant Professor, Rapid Microbial Detection and Control Laboratory, Iowa State University

Today’s food production and distribution networks are extremely efficient. We are able to move food from the field to the table rapidly and effectively – on a global scale – under conditions that maximise quality, visual appeal and nutritional content. Unfortunately, toxigenic or infectious microbes may also come along for…

New applications of PCR in food control

30 June 2010 | By Jeffrey Hoorfar Research Manager & Professor of Food Microbiology, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark

PCR testing of pathogens has gained widespread use in quality control laboratories throughout the food industry. Many excellent easy-to-use commercial kits are now available for a wide range of microorganisms. But are there any other potential uses for PCR other than a simple plus/minus response that indicates presence or absence…

HIGHTECH EUROPE: A network fostering innovation in food processing

30 June 2010 | By Dr. Kerstin Lienemann, Manager DIL Office Brussels, Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e.V. & dr. ir. Iesel Van der Plancken, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Food Technology, Katholieke Universiteit & Annika Gering Project Manager, ttz Bremerhaven

Bio-, nano- and information and communication technology show high innovative power within high-tech food processing technologies. Excellent research has been carried out but has not always led to substantial innovations on the market. This European Innovation Paradox is at least partly due to a lack of knowledge transfer, especially between…

Testing the effectiveness of packaging sterilisation: Truth or faith?

30 June 2010 | By Jan Bruecklmeier, Senior Aseptic Specialist, Nestlé

The effectiveness of packaging sterilisation devices in an aseptic filling system is often tested during start up and validation of the system. Some publications even classify the different aseptic filling systems with their average logarithmic reduction rate (ALR). According to different publications, the testing seems to be quite easy and…

Scoring goals for sustainable development

30 June 2010 | By Andy Wales, Global Head of Sustainable Development, SABMiller

As one of the world’s largest brewers, with brewing interests and distribution agreements across six continents, SABMiller takes its responsibilities seriously, especially when it comes to sustainable development. In 2009, the company announced its intentions to reduce its fossil fuel emissions on its beers by fifty per cent per litre…

Creating Shared Value in food manufacturing: Nestlé’s experience

30 June 2010 | By José Lopez, Executive Vice President, Nestlé S.A for Operations & Global Business Excellence

As the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company (CHF 110 billion sales in 2008), Nestlé recognises that for its business to be successful and sustainable in the long term, it must create value for its shareholders and for society. With this, we need to move beyond more ‘generic’ principles…

Packaging for customers, consumers and the environment

30 June 2010 | By Jay Gouliard, Vice President Global Packaging, Unilever

Unilever is one of the leading suppliers of fast-moving consumer goods, with products on sale in over 170 countries. Our portfolio of foods, home and personal care brands is trusted by consumers the world over. On any given day, two billion people use our products. Unilever business and brands have…

A new vision

30 June 2010 | By David Pendlington, Sustainability Agriculture Programme Coordinator, Unilever

In November 2009, Unilever launched a bold new company vision to inspire people to take small, everyday actions that can add up to make a big difference for the world. Our aim is to double the size of its business while reducing its overall environmental impact. This new vision recognises…

Food Standards Agency research into consumers’ use of country of origin labelling on food

30 June 2010 | By Jane Ince, Policy Advisor, Food Standards Agency

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) undertook research in 2009 on consumer use of country of origin labelling. The findings were published on 14 January 20101. The work reveals some interesting facts about how much this labelling is used in practice and about how, for meat and meat products in particular,…