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Control of Salmonella in pork by decontamination

23 May 2007 | By Søren Aabo, Senior Scientist, Department of Microbiology and Risk Assessment, Institute for Food Safety, The Technical University of Denmark

The Danish swine industry produces more than 20 million slaughtered pigs each year. For many years most of the production has been exported, with England, USA and Japan being some of the most important markets.

Developments in food refrigeration

23 May 2007 | By Judith Evans, Senior Research Project Manager, FRPERC (Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre), University of Bristol

Refrigeration is a vital part of modern food production. Without a means to cool and keep food cold, the quality and safety of food would be compromised and the sophisticated cold chain we are used to would not be possible. The whole food chain is underpinned by refrigeration from primary…

Packaging trends: the past ten years

23 May 2007 | By Peter Wareing, Leatherhead Food International

Food packaging is traditionally required to have many functions: to contain and protect the food, to provide a surface for information labels, to add a distinct brand identity and to present the food attractively so that consumers will purchase it.

Titration techniques in the food industry

23 May 2007 | By

Titration is an analytical technique that is widely used in the food industry. It allows food manufacturers to determine the quantity of a reactant in a sample. For example, it can be used to discover the amount of salt or sugar in a product or the concentration of vitamin C…

Intense Light Pulse as a new food preservation process

23 May 2007 | By M. Federighi and N. Elmnasser, UMR-INRA 1014 SECALIM ENVN/ENITIAA;, F. Leroi, IFREMER, and A. & N. Orange, IUT

Food preservation implies that micro-organisms are inactivated or suppressed in order to enhance the safety and quality of the product. Alternative physical techniques aim to combine the stability and microbial safety of foods with a minimal loss of quality attributes. Because these techniques have little or no thermal effects on…

CCFRA: science and technology for better business

7 March 2007 | By Dr Leighton Jones, Head of Corporate Communications, CCFRA

The principal priorities for all food companies are safety, quality, efficiency and innovation. Everyday, CCFRA helps food and drinks companies to achieve these – and so succeed in business.

The FINE Action Programme

7 March 2007 | By Giorgia Valli (Aster s.cons.p.a.), Alessandra Folli (Centuria-RIT), Linze Rijswijk, Joep Koene (Development Agency East Netherlands)

Having outlined the origins and aims of the Food Innovations Network Europe (FINE) in the latest issue of New Food, you can now read about the group’s Action Programme and plans for cooperation to achieve their goals.

A time to review and renew

7 March 2007 | By Ellen Go Yanko, Office Manager, EHEDG

2007 is now well underway and with the passing of another year, the EHEDG has taken time to reflect on its major achievements. The result has seen the compilation of the group’s main guidelines and documents in the form of a 2007 Yearbook – an excellent way to get the…

The front tables are history

7 March 2007 | By Thomas Ricker, Research and Development, KRONES AG

The major innovations still happen. They obey what is termed the technological ‘Zen principle’. One of these innovations is the F1 filler, a new generation of filler design at KRONES. It scores essentially in terms of three innovative features: modularised construction of the entire machine with no front table, a…

Online transflectance NIR imaging of foods

7 March 2007 | By Vegard H. Segtnan, Jens Petter Wold and Martin Høy, Matforsk AS, Norway and Jens T. Thielemann and Jon Tschudi, SINTEF ICT, Norway

Most solid foods are heterogeneous on one level or another. Minced meat or an intact piece of meat, for example, will have smaller or larger local regions that are almost pure fat, pure lean meat or pure connective tissue. For such heterogeneous foods the distribution of the local differences is…

Mycotoxin determination in foodstuffs

7 March 2007 | By S. Monbaliu, S. De Saeger and C. Van Peteghem, Ghent University, Laboratory of Food Analysis

This article focuses on the main principle of the liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) determination of mycotoxins in foodstuffs. It also provides an overview of recent developments in mycotoxin analysis.

Product-oriented intensive heating process design

7 March 2007 | By J. Broeze, R.G.M. van der Sman, H.M. Vollebregt and R.W. van den Berg, Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Group, Wageningen UR

Control of product quality and process yields in innovative food production processes can be largely improved through better understanding of the relations between process design and product quality. The effects of intensive heating processes such as frying, baking, roasting and microwave on product quality are still poorly understood. Currently, when…

High gravity brewing – the pros and cons

7 March 2007 | By Graham G Stewart, Professor of Brewing, The International Centre for Brewing and Distilling, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

During the past few decades, process optimisation and increased efficiencies have become priorities for many brewing companies worldwide. High gravity brewing is one method to achieve these objectives.

Cooling conditions for compound coatings

7 March 2007 | By NF

Recent moves away from using partially hydrogenated fats (owing to their trans fatty acid content) have had a major impact on the use of compound coatings in confectionery products. Historically, these have fallen into two main types: