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Detecting Salmonella antibodies in pork

21 November 2005 | By René Achterberg, Judith Maneschijn-Bonsing, Rinus Bloemraad, Manon Swanenburg and Kitty Maassen, Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, The Netherlands

Programs for monitoring Salmonella in the pork production chain have begun in several European countries. For an assay to be used in a monitoring program, it is a prerequisite that the total testing time per sample is short and that regeneration is optimal. In collaboration with a major pork producer…

Dealing with decontamination

21 November 2005 | By Christian James, Food Refrigeration Process Engineering Research Centre, University of Bristol

There is no terminal step (such as cooking) to eliminate pathogenic organisms from raw meat before it reaches the consumer. The consumer is relied upon to ‘adequately’ cook the meat so that any pathogens that may be present are killed. Many studies have shown that at the time of slaughter…

Bacterial tolerance – the consequences

21 November 2005 | By Even Heir and Solveig Langsrud, Matforsk AS, Norwegian Food Research Institute, Norway

Failure in cleaning and disinfection increases the ability of bacteria to survive, adapt and establish in food processing equipment or other environments, with the potential to transfer to food products. The antimicrobial effects of disinfectants depend upon several factors. This article focuses on the properties and mechanisms of bacteria involved…

Up to standard?

21 November 2005 | By Jacques Kastelein and Hilde Cnossen, TNO Quality of Life

In this, the final article resulting from the HYFOMA project, Jacques Kastelein and Hilde Cnossen of TNO outline the reasons why equipment certification is essential to the food industry. Need for hygienic design Good hygienic design of process equipment has a tremendous impact on diminishing the risks of contamination of…

Automating bacterial enumeration

21 November 2005 | By Roy Betts, Head of Microbiology, Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association

Quality indicator (QI) tests represent the large majority of routine tests currently performed by food microbiology laboratories. Although not necessarily pathogenic, indicator organisms, such as Total Plate Count, coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, yeasts and moulds can alter the appearance and taste of a product when present in large quantities. The…

Pasta: strength and structure

29 July 2005 | By Martin G. Scanlon, Nancy M. Edwards and Jim E. Dexter

Every year, in various educational institutions across the globe, students compete to design and build bridges made from spaghetti strands. In most competitions, the winner is that student team whose bridge can sustain the highest load (Johns Hopkins, 2005). Clearly some elaborate design work goes into the creation of these…

Adding to the mix

29 July 2005 | By Bogdan Dobraszczyk, Senior Research Fellow, School of Food Biosciences, University of Reading

Various ingredients have long been known to have a beneficial effect on baked loaf volume and texture. Ingredients such as fats and lipids, surfactants, oxidants and enzymes are frequently added to bread formulations to give improved product quality by giving better tolerance during processing; improving texture and volume; increasing shelf…

Waiting for a trainer

29 July 2005 | By Ellen Moens-Go Yanko, Office Manager, Secretariat, EHEDG

Share the expertise Machines and Processes for Safe Food is the theme of the EHEDG seminar on September 14th at Drinktec, Munich. State-of-the-art engineering tools for hygienic design of both machinery and processes are essential for safe food and beverage manufacture. EHEDG speakers involved in work groups will share their…

Multibeverage plant of the future

29 July 2005 | By Mr Jari Kangas, Technical Development Manager, Oy Hartwall Ab and Project Manager for Hartwall Lahti

Hartwall Ltd is Finland’s leading beverage supplier and part of the Scottish & Newcastle Group. It has a 44 per cent share of the market through its strong portfolio of beers, soft drinks, bottled waters, ciders and other alcoholic beverages and functional drinks; as well as imported wines and spirits…

Static and rotary spraying for perfect tank cleaning

29 July 2005 | By Frank Moerman, Chairman, EHEDG Belgium

In the beverage processing industry (spirits, brewing, juice bottling, dairy, etc.), cleaning-in-place is a well established technique. On a daily basis, huge numbers of small and large vessels must be cleaned in an economical, efficient and reproducible manner. To achieve these objectives, tank cleaning machines are used. In part 1…

Cleaner greener production at Tayto Ireland

29 July 2005 | By John Donnelly, Technical Director, Tayto Limited

Tayto, Ireland’s leading snack food company, participated in a scheme led by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency to reduce the impact of manufacturing companies on the environment. Tayto improved environmental performance and reduced manufacturing costs as a result of success with a number of projects.

Where is the nut oil in chocolate?

29 July 2005 | By Greg Ziegler and Kristin Szlachetka,Cocoa, Chocolate and Confectionery Research Group, Department of Food Science, Penn State University

Oil migration is responsible for the poor keeping qualities of many composite confectionery products with nut-based centres, coated biscuits, or nut inclusions. Quality defects arising from oil migration include softening of the coating; hardening of the filling; deterioration in sensory quality and a greater tendency to fat bloom. For this…

What’s new in an old product?

29 July 2005 | By H. Douglas Goff, Ph.D., Professor of Food Science, University of Guelph, Canada

Ice cream and related desserts have been manufactured for centuries, the history of which is a fascinating tale replete with old-fashioned imagery of wholesomeness, tradition, family fun and folklore1. Today, though, ice cream is a very large global business that is anything but standing still in tradition. This paper will…

Implementing food safety and hygiene

29 July 2005 | By Dr Ken Burgess, Technical Director, Dairy Crest

Responsibility for safety from ‘farm to fork’ is obviously shared between farmers, manufacturers and processors, distributors, consumers and various government authorities. The perspective of the manufacturer is in ensuring that known food safety risks are managed and controlled, while the areas of new and emerging food safety risk have traditionally…

Fruitful improvements in dairy hygiene

29 July 2005 | By Gun Wirtanen and Satu Salo, VTT Biotechnology, Espoo, Finland

The project ‘DairyNET – Hygiene control in dairies’ was built both on common synergy tasks performed in all Nordic countries and on national research studies. The synergy tasks dealt with rapid detection of cleaning agents and disinfectants residues, detection of organic soil in processing equipment hot spots and detection of…