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Would Owen’s Law save lives?

18 May 2021 | By

The tragic death of Owen Carey in 2017 has prompted more conversations within the food industry around legislation to make allergen information clearer on restaurant menus. But is this the best way to keep food hypersensitive consumers safe?

Overfishing spells trouble for the Japanese seafood sector

11 May 2021 | By

Despite growing profits and rising share prices, Japanese seafood companies are less financially healthy than they seem. To avoid suffering the impact of overfishing and maintain growth, they must switch to sustainable strategies, writes François Mosnier, Financial Research Analyst at Planet Tracker.

The legacy of Denis Lynn

11 May 2021 | By

Following the tragic loss of entrepreneur, Denis Lynn, Professor Chris Elliott highlights some of his most important innovations and how he helped change the food sector for the better.

The new chocolate bar?

11 May 2021 | By

New Food hears from protein bar brand, Barebells, on how its functional snacks are treading the lines between confectionary and health bar, and the demand for portion controlled treats.