Understanding cannabis and CBD edible testing 23 July 2020 | By Dr Ben Armstrong In a recent webinar hosted by New Food in association with PerkinElmer, Ben Armstrong of Juniper Analytics outlined the current testing methods and resources available to support new users of cannabis and CBD edibles.
Plant hormones and crop quality 23 July 2020 | By Gideon Ashworth Gideon Ashworth’s latest ‘Talking Crop’ discusses the effect of plant health and hormones on food quality, and the impact climate change is having on the agri-food market.
Why water efficiency is key to creating a sustainable food system 22 July 2020 | By Chris Daly PepsiCo's Chris Daly discusses how the multinational food and beverage corporation is finding innovative ways to tackle long-term sustainability challenges and create more environmentally-friendly processes.
Food waste in the US – what’s on the menu? 17 July 2020 | By Shannon Bergstrom Food waste expert Shannon Bergstrom reflects on the current state of food loss and waste in the US and discusses some of the recent changes that are predicted to foster positive results.
Diversity in the Trade and Agriculture Commission 16 July 2020 | By Chris Elliott Chris Elliott points out some crucial gaps within the newly announced Trade and Agriculture Commission, including a lack of women, animal welfare champions and expertise in international trade.
Insect growing pods: the future of the everyday kitchen? 16 July 2020 | By Thomas Constant Thomas Constant, Founder and CEO of BeoBia, answers New Food's questions about how and why the British start-up has launched home insect growing pods.
Revolutionising the coffee industry 15 July 2020 | By George Passantino, Ofek Arush Two UC Berkeley graduates, Ofek Arush and George Passantino, recently launched Quokka Brew – a beverage to “revolutionise the coffee industry”. To find out more, New Food caught up with the entrepreneurial duo.
Baby food: adapting and learning during COVID-19 14 July 2020 | By Lowri Tan Lowri Tan, Managing Director of Little Tummy, gives her insight as to how the lockdown period has impacted the baby food market and prompted an increase in demand for baby food delivery services.
Can human milk oligosaccharides modulate autoimmune diseases? 9 July 2020 | By Bettina Gutiérrez, Clifford Adams, Jennewein Biotechnologie The pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is not completely understood, but environmental factors such as life-style, diet, drugs, and infections are thought to be involved.
Canada’s food insecurity problem 7 July 2020 | By Dr. Sylvain Charlebois Compared to just two years ago, StatsCan estimates that 512,000 more Canadian households feel food insecure because of COVID-19, with things predicted to get worse. Dr Sylvain Charlebois explores the challenges being experienced in Canada and the potential roads ahead.
Selecting the optimal water quality for microbiology 6 July 2020 | By Merck This advertorial from Merck explores how the removal of contaminants from water is of paramount importance for the preparation of culture media.
The rise of hybrid meat 3 July 2020 | By Simona Grasso Following a rising demand for meat alternatives driven by health concerned consumers, Senior Research Fellow from the University of Reading, Simona Grasso, outlines the potential of the hybrid meat market.
How to be successful in the CBD market 3 July 2020 | By Greg Dicum CBD is not just another ingredient; before brands decide to jump on the cannabidiol bandwagon, there are a number of careful considerations to be made to ensure you become a responsible producer.
Reducing food waste with antimicrobial packaging 2 July 2020 | By Nur Alim Bahmid PhD candidate, Nur Alim Bahmid, outlines his recent study into antimicrobial packaging and whether this could be the answer for fresher food and less waste.
Protecting artisan baking 2 July 2020 | By Kevin Curran Foodservice industry expert Kevin Curran discusses how COVID-19 hygiene measures have caused wrapped packaging to quickly become the future of the bakery sector.