The rise of hybrid meat
Following a rising demand for meat alternatives driven by health concerned consumers, Senior Research Fellow from the University of Reading, Simona Grasso, outlines the potential of the hybrid meat market.
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Following a rising demand for meat alternatives driven by health concerned consumers, Senior Research Fellow from the University of Reading, Simona Grasso, outlines the potential of the hybrid meat market.
Analysis of raw meats, process optimisation, and verification of finished meat products incorporate universal calibrations that cover thousands of sample types.
Researchers discover more about the weed that threatens corn and soybean production, but say we must rethink how we manage waterhemp in the long-term.
LactoScope accurately tests raw, standardised and processed milks, whey, cream and other dairy products.
Improve efficiency, enhance quality through reliable analytical solutions for dairy testing with global support and services.
A new report that examines consumer shopping habits has revealed a lack of trust in food and beverage brands and Government institutions, and also reveals what transparency means to today’s consumers.
Mecca Ibrahim, co-founder of Women In The Food Industry and member of the New Food advisory board, interviews six established women in the seafood industry, to hear their stories and learn how we can encourage more women to follow suit.
The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) makes its case for entomophagy and the future of the edible insect market.
Prunes have seen a rise in exports globally and the California Prune Board are hopeful a recent study could push demand even higher.
Measure viscosity and performance of starches, raw materials, ingredients and foods using controlled temperature and shear.
This technical bulletin provides an overview on how Biocatalysts Ltd has developed enzymes that can be used to add value to plant protein hydrolysates.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published updated technical guidance for allergen labelling following changes for PPDS food.
Our latest In-Depth Focus on meat explores how animal free meat is on the rise and a spike in demand for beef mince during the coronavirus pandemic could have lasting financial implications.
Our latest In-Depth Focus on Ingredients explores natual alternatives and new approaches to successful research collaborations.
Issue 3 2020 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on food safety, ingredients, meat and our Application Note supplement...