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New Food Issue 2 2019

15 April 2019 | By

Issue 2 2019 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on curing bacon without nitrates, 2 Sisters' Group Technical Director and naturals in food.


Gut bacteria influences our health from birth onwards

20 February 2019 | By

How the microbiome develops during childhood has repercussions for the rest of our lives. It influences our risk of developing allergies, intestinal illnesses and becoming overweight. Nutrition plays an important role from the outset. Polysaccharides in breast milk – human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) – can promote a healthy intestinal flora.


Ingredients In-Depth Focus 2019

13 February 2019 | By

In this issue: what the data on recent patent filings can tell us about current commitment to the cannabis edibles market, and how recent innovations in the meat-product sector could lead to better, healthier meat.


New Food Issue 1 2019

11 February 2019 | By

Issue 1 2019 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on cannabis patents, the future for agribusiness post-Brexit, and Blockchain technology.


The safety and integrity of rice production


Rice, wheat, and maize are the world’s three leading food crops; together they supply over 40% of all calories consumed by the entire human population. Of these three major crops, rice is the most widely consumed food crop for people in the developing world. It has been estimated that over half…