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The murky world of herb and spice fraud


Herbs and spices are things to be enjoyed. They add colour, flavour and aroma to so many of the dishes we like to eat. There are also numerous reports regarding the health benefits of these ingredients: claims that they are anti-diabetese, increase brain function and boost our immune systems to…


Food additives: consumers’ queries answered

21 November 2018 | By

In your role as a food producer, you’re sure to face questions from the public, especially in the wake of recent high-profile cases of contamination, recalls and mislabelling. The UK’s IFST has produced information to pass on to customers, outlined here.


A plant-based revolution

20 November 2018 | By

Mark Driscoll considers the shift away from carnivorous diets – what’s driving it, what are consumers looking for and how can the food industry rise to the challenge of catering for their fast-evolving tastes?