GMO labels drastically raise American consumer concerns over safety
The results of a new survey come as the time for comment on the USDA's labelling proposals for GMO food comes to a close. They are due to be finally issued on July 29.
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The results of a new survey come as the time for comment on the USDA's labelling proposals for GMO food comes to a close. They are due to be finally issued on July 29.
Chapter two of the childhood obesity plan has been met with a mixed response, with some saying its promises of consultations come at a time when firm action is needed.
Like a fast-moving tide, the management of water is quietly but quickly emerging as a significant risk for the food manufacturing industry in the UK. Companies may be unaware of the ever-increasing water management obligations under the EU Industrial Emissions Directive, which industry experts believe will be maintained in UK…
The policy is one of the few areas in which the current President is at one with his predecessor, Barack Obama, who tried and failed to create a federal food safety body.
There have been a number of recent product recalls in the UK that centre on the lack of control of psychrotrophic C. botulinum in a range of food products. These recalls do not necessarily mean that C.botulinum has been found in the implicated products, but rather, the specific control factors…
From providing analytical data on the quality of a product or production process to providing critical information for research and development, laboratory testing is an intrinsic component of compliance with food regulations to promote public health and the safety of consumers. Simon Wood takes an in-depth look at this vital…
Hepatitis E disease, caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV), affects mainly the liver, with symptoms including jaundice, fever and malaise. There are, according to the WHO, around 20 million HEV infections worldwide, leading to approximately three million cases of acute hepatitis E annually, most of which are…
Bernd van der Meulen and Maria Antonietta Ruggiero look at the current state of play, and discuss the direction in which they’d like to see the current framework evolve.
Which? has said Brexit presents an opportunity for the Government to introduce legislation to make the labelling system, which was introduced as an option in 2013, mandatory.
America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will host a public meeting to discuss cultured meat from a technical and regulatory perspective as debate rages over how produce from the new technology should be labelled.
With health advocates urging industry to finish the phase-out of phthalates in plastic and rubber for the sake of consumers, Patrick MacRoy examines the implications of a study suggesting that some phthalates found in dairy products may have their source in dairy-farm equipment.
The regulations, which will come into effect next year, have been finalised at a time when Canada-America food trade relations are under the spotlight.
The debate over how cultured meat is labelled has raged since February when the U.S. Cattlemen's association submitted a petition to the USDA.
The terms 'artisanal', 'traditional' and 'craft' are being used by unscrupulous food businesses to conjure up an air of quality around mass-produced wares.
In this issue: the upward march of the dairy processing industry, managing the risks of Clostridium botulinum in chilled food, and the importance of LIMS testing in food quality control and safety.