Sweet truths: Solving confectionery’s problem with sugar reduction
New Food asked Noam Kaplan, CEO at Lampados to talk us through the role sweeteners can play and to offer us an insight into how we might provide an attractive alternative to sugar.
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New Food asked Noam Kaplan, CEO at Lampados to talk us through the role sweeteners can play and to offer us an insight into how we might provide an attractive alternative to sugar.
4 April 2017 | By EAWAG: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Small watercourses are contaminated with large numbers of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.
4 April 2017 | By New Food
This week, Arla Foods and its farmer owners are urging the UK Government to recognise and protect the future of dairy farmers
The cocoa and chocolate industry is currently running against a fundamentally unsustainable model. Barry Callebaut's Peter Boone urges change...
31 March 2017 | By AquaTT
The EU-funded ECsafeSEAFOOD project has published three safe seafood guides that aim to help consumers, industry stakeholders and policymakers understand the benefits and risks associated with seafood consumption.
31 March 2017 | By New Food
UK’s four farming unions say that Brexit must be seen as an opportunity not just to ensure continuity but to deliver a regulatory framework suited to UK farmers.
31 March 2017 | By Elhuyar Fundazioa; New Food
Researchers at the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre and the Navarre-based company Anteral S.L. have designed a novel system of sensors to improve quality control in the food sector and based on terahertz technology.
Peter Overbosch formerly Vice President at METRO AG voices his thoughts on the scale and future of the fight against food fraud...
30 March 2017 | By New Food
Reduction programme could see 200,000 tonnes of sugar removed from the UK market per year by 2020.
29 March 2017 | By New Food
Triggering of Article 50 should mark an increase in certainty and stability for NOAH member businesses
29 March 2017 | By Food Drink Federation
The official UK FDF statement on the triggering of Article 50...
29 March 2017 | By Food Standards Scotland
Food Standards Scotland fully supports report that concludes that Dunsyre Blue cheese was the source of the E. coli O157 outbreak
Gavan Wafer, Head of Crime Operations at the National Food Crime Unit offers his insight into tackling food fraud in the 21st Century.
29 March 2017 | By New Food
The UK’s wine industry could be in line for a major boost if the cost of importing wine from the EU rockets post-Brexit
28 March 2017 | By New Food
Food packaging is not tailored enough to contents, a team from Université Paris-Saclay has found, and could be causing the spread of chemicals.