Lack of food security results in disabled man’s death
Charities say that disabled man starved to death as he was unable to access food supplies.
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Charities say that disabled man starved to death as he was unable to access food supplies.
A new report that examines consumer shopping habits has revealed a lack of trust in food and beverage brands and Government institutions, and also reveals what transparency means to today’s consumers.
The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) makes its case for entomophagy and the future of the edible insect market.
Prunes have seen a rise in exports globally and the California Prune Board are hopeful a recent study could push demand even higher.
A study has revealed that antibiotic use on crops is more widespread than previously thought and claims they have been used against crop problems where they will have no effect.
Ningjing Lui of Wageningen University & Research describes the specific composition properties of organic and non-organic milk in a hope to prevent food fraud.
A Tönnies meat packaging plant has been struck by COVID-19, which has allegedly resulted in strong criticism from Germany's labour minister and re-closures of schools and daycare centres.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published updated technical guidance for allergen labelling following changes for PPDS food.
Food scientist calls for FDA to establish reasonable standards for avocado oil as her study reveals shockingly high levels of mislabelling and adulteration.
Our latest In-Depth Focus on meat explores how animal free meat is on the rise and a spike in demand for beef mince during the coronavirus pandemic could have lasting financial implications.
Issue 3 2020 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on food safety, ingredients, meat and our Application Note supplement...
Professor Chris Elliott ponders on the future of food and drink supply chains as the world eases back into a sense of a normality.
As more than 200,000 children skip meals because their family could not access sufficient food during lockdown*, footballer Marcus Rashford urges UK Government to rethink its stop to UK food voucher relief.
The restaurant owners say they were unable to keep up with demand for their online promotion, resulting in guilty ruling of fraud from court in Thailand.
Obesity is an independent and modifiable risk factor for more severe illness and death from COVID-19, say researchers from Queen Mary University of London.