Scientists optimise soybean seeding rates in recent study
The collaborative research project is said to be the first to determine seeding rates in different environments with low, medium or high productivity.
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The collaborative research project is said to be the first to determine seeding rates in different environments with low, medium or high productivity.
Of the top 25 measures identified by the report, just 15 could reportedly account for as much as 85 percent of the total emissions abatement.
Alongside renewable energy, sustainable transportation and habitat restoration, the scientists have offered proposals to policymakers which include key points about how oceans can support food security and food systems.
The European Commission recently delayed the publication of its Farm to Fork strategy until at least mid-May, and FoodDrinkEurope has responded with five key points it believes the strategy must incorporate.
In April 2020, FMCG Gurus surveyed consumers across 18 countries about how coronavirus was influencing their food attitudes and behaviours. Here, Mike Hughes gives an overview.
A survey by Accenture has suggested that consumers will re-focus their purchasing behaviour for at least the next decade, and companies should ensure they are agile enough to re-focus alongside.
The scientist found that by swapping just one amino acid in wheat's enzyme specific-protein, the plant was prompted to produce enzymes faster in hotter temperatures, providing potential protection for the crop in hotter climates.
A group of ecologists set out to explore the "core microbiome" of coffee in order to find signs of microbes which could lead to better understanding of how the plant reacts to changing climatic conditions.
Alongside other companies such as Logitech, SIG and other industry partners, the stakeholders have have committed to provide CHF 5 million over 10 years to sustainable materials R&D.
Optimizing consumption of raw materials & plant performance through opportunities in combination with Industrial Internet of Things IIoT technologies.
Soil salinity is increasing across the globe, which not only reduces water uptake for crops but can often create a nutrient imbalance that decreases plant growth and yield.
spiritsEUROPE companies and national association members will cooperate with the national glass value chains across Europe to improve the collection and recycling of glass packaging.
To achieve this goal, the company is investing in renewable energy efforts to support the company’s environmental objectives.
Think tank Planet Tracker has argued that failure to disclose food loss and waste-related emissions exposes investors to financial risk.
Despite repeated requests for action, mega-dairy emissions have never been meaningfully addressed in any policy solutions for climate change in Oregon, according to the coalition.