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The role of dietary fibre in gluten-free bakery products

13 December 2016 | By Clara Talens; Saioa Alvarez-Sabatel; Yolanda Ríos, AZTI

The market for gluten-free products that are nutritious and palatable is growing exponentially as more people are choosing a gluten-free diet out of necessity or personal preference...


Improving the mould free shelf life of bakery products

24 August 2016 | By Michael Adams, Bakery Science Section Manager, Campden BRI and Nicole Maher, Senior Bakery Scientist, Campden BRI

Mould free shelf life (MFSL) is a critical parameter in the bakery industry. Formulation and parameters such as Aw and the use of preservatives such as propionates and sorbates are traditionally used to ensure the length of MFSL is acceptable to consumers, retailers and manufacturers.