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Confectionery & Chocolate



Quality sentries: Some trends in chocolate manufacturing

11 January 2013 | By Ramana Sundara, John Rasburn and Josélio Vieira, Nestlé Product Technology Centre

In-line control elements are an increasing development in the pursuit of efficient processes in a wide range of manufacturing sectors. Advances in sensor technology and computing power are now providing instruments which can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of manufacturing, and at a cost which is moderate in comparison…


NIRS of chocolate and its chemometric analysis

11 January 2013 | By Jürgen Stohner, Brenno Zucchetti, Fabian Deuber and Fabian Hobi, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ICBC Institute of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry and Bernhard Lukas and Manfred Suter, Max Felchlin AG

In today’s modern society, chocolate has been established as a premium lifestyle food product. Besides oil and coffee, cocoa is one of the most valuable commodities of global trade. About four per cent of cocoa beans traded on the world market originate from the noble criollo bean and are the…


Unravelling chocolate aroma

6 September 2012 | By Angela Ryan and Alison Hemesley, Nestlé Product Technology Centre

It’s been almost 500 years since Aztec Emperor Moctezuma reputedly introduced Hernando Cortéz to his favourite cocoa-based beverage Xocolatl, but our demand for cocoa and more recently chocolate has continued to grow ever since. Today, world cocoa production is estimated to be 3990 million metric tons and the major cocoa…


The Hershey Company’s commitment to cocoa sustainability

3 July 2012 | By Andy McCormick, Vice President Public Affairs, The Hershey Company

The Hershey Company, famous for its chocolate bars, Hershey Kisses and Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, is actively engaged in a broad range of sustainability initiatives that are making a difference in the livelihoods of cocoa communities across West Africa. In fact, the company’s support for cocoa communities goes back more…


Cocoa sector close to reaching tipping point in sustainability

3 July 2012 | By Han de Groot, Executive Director, UTZ CERTIFIED

More and more people are getting familiar with the word sustainability. It is after all everyone’s future that is at stake. Although the concept sustainability is winning terrain, it is still not a ‘reason to buy’ for consumers. Only five per cent are willing to pay more for a product…


Propraline project delivers a number of solutions for chocolate industry to improve praline quality

6 March 2012 | By Lilia Ahrné, Coordinator, ProPraline and Director Process and Technology Development at SIK – Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology

The ProPraline project is now finalised and after three years of intensive research, the project has delivered a number of solutions. Four booklets containing scientific information to help SMEs to produce pralines of high quality and extended shelf-life have been developed during the project and are now available to download…


Chocolate aeration – Art or science?

6 September 2011 | By Josélio Vieira, Principal Research Scientist, Nestlé Product Technology Centre and Venkata R. Sundara, Group Leader for Aerated and Filled Confectionery, Nestlé Product Technology Centre

Bubble inclusion into chocolate results in a foam in which the gas is dispersed in the continuous fat phase of mainly cocoa butter, which also contains sugar, cocoa and milk powder particles. Aeration allows chocolate products to have a low weight in relation to volume, thereby reducing the calories in…


The key role played by microbiological testing within a cocoa manufacturing plant

7 July 2011 | By Maurizio Pagano, Microbiology Laboratory Analyst, Quality Department, Kraft Foods UK

Food microorganisms and humans have had a long association whose origins pre-date recorded history. Food, providing nutrients for us, is an ideal culture medium for the growth of microorganisms. Microbial growth is controlled by factors related to the food itself, and also to the environment where the food is being…


Rheological properties of chocolate

13 May 2011 | By Bettina Wolf, Division of Food Sciences, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham

Chocolate is a multiphase confectionary product which is consumed as a treat or in-between meals to overcome hunger. The popularity of chocolate is almost certainly due to its unique eating characteristics. It melts in the mouth, imparting a sensation of cooling. The surfaces of the oral cavity are coated by…