The growth of functional foods post pandemic
Consumers are increasingly demanding that their foods work harder for them. Here, Jon Burton from Jon West Food Ltd shares how its new brand is answering these calls.
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Consumers are increasingly demanding that their foods work harder for them. Here, Jon Burton from Jon West Food Ltd shares how its new brand is answering these calls.
New research finds that plant-based omega-3s may boost heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
The European Union and the United States have agreed to resume trade in mussels, clams and oysters from the end of February after it was halted more than a decade ago.
The world's oceans contain thousands of pieces of plastic that could be entering some our favourite dishes, but what can you do to help?
Meet the new piece of technology which could transform the shrimp farming industry. Dr Faik Hamad, and Dr Poo Balan Ganesan discuss how micro-bubble technology could be change fish farming in developing countries.
New Food’s Joshua Minchin interviewed IFT’s Bryan Hitchcock, in a bid to gauge how transparent the seafood sector’s supply chains are and what’s being done to improve traceability in the industry.
This month's focus on food safety looks at food fraud in Africa, seafood transparency, recaps Food Integrity's microbiology panel, and whether bacteriophages and indoor farming can protect us from future outbreaks.
With the global population on course to be 9.9 billion by 2050 and the ever-more intense race to reach Net Zero, our methods of food production need a drastic rethink. Will technology be our saviour?
Will technology save us? Find out in our latest issue of New Food as we look to the experts for answers in this mega-packed edition, which also includes several pieces from leaders in the confectionery sector.
New Food hears from Dr Sariqa Wagley on the discovery of ‘sleeping’ Vibrio which can lay dormant during the cooler seasons.
Joost Matthijssen of Nutreco explains how alternative protein can be part of the solution to feeding an increased global population, rather than a sole saviour for the food industry.
Arun Chauhan investigates the fast food company Subway’s fake tuna scandal and reflects on what it means for the food industry.
Microplastic (MP) pollution and its impact on marine organisms is a concern for human health, claims new research from the University of Portsmouth.
This week's roundup includes multiple undeclared allergens in UK based supermarket chains, as well as reports of products contaminated with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in North America.
Despite growing profits and rising share prices, Japanese seafood companies are less financially healthy than they seem. To avoid suffering the impact of overfishing and maintain growth, they must switch to sustainable strategies, writes François Mosnier, Financial Research Analyst at Planet Tracker.