
New Food’s top 10 news stories of 2019

Posted: 2 January 2020 | | No comments yet

This article lists New Food’s most popular news pieces in 2019. Stories include report findings, food safety announcements, industry predictions and innovative breakthroughs.

new year

2019 was a year of change and innovation that saw not only an evolved and adapting industry, but a shift in consumer behaviour and needs.

Whether it was keeping you abreast of the most recent food outbreaks, recalls and cases of fraud, or updating you on the latest in trends such as meat alternatives, sustainable packaging and zero emission supply chains, New Food delivered to you a wide range of stories and breakthroughs. And, as 2020 begins, we can expect to see a few more changes and surprises…but before we completely wave goodbye to the end of a decade, we, here at New Food, thought it would be nice to take a look at our top 10 stories of 2019. Click the titles to read our top stories.

10. Calsberg unveils two paper bottle prototypes

In October 2019, Calsberg Group issued an update to its Green Fibre Bottle project, which is said to be the world’s first paper bottle for beer. The bottle is made from 100 percent bio-based and fully recyclable materials. It is part of the company’s commitment to reach zero carbon emissions at its breweries and reduce its full-value-chain carbon footprint by 30 

percent 2030. As New Food’s tenth most popular story of 2019, the new year will surely see more of a spotlight on the sustainable packaging industry…

Carlsberg’s paper bottle project gains momentum

9. Unregulated antibiotics heading for poultry farm seized at UK airport

At number nine is a story that included the seizing of poultry treated with amoxicillin, an unregulated antibiotic only approved for veterinary use in the UK. The Food Standards Agency and the Northern Ireland Department of Health feared that if these products made it to market, consumers may develop antibiotic resistance.

Food safety concerns and food fraud of this kind were often seen in 2019, and campaigners, organisations and large-scale enterprises will undoubtedly continue to collaborate on tighter controls in 2020.

8. Global rabbit meat market has increased and will continue to grow

According to the market research firm IndexBox, the amount of rabbit or hare meat consumed worldwide totalled 1.5 million tonnes in 2017, picking up by 2.9 percent against the previous year. The total consumption volume increased an average annual rate of 2.8 percent from 2007 to 2017, with China comprising approximately 62 percent of total consumption. Will this trend continue in the new year, or is it a case of hare now, gone tomorrow?  

7. Dairy and cattle industries predicted to collapse

2019 saw not only a rise in meat-free and meat alternative products, but dairy products such as dairy-based beverages, cheeses and butters also saw changes. Our seventh most popular story of 2019 was a report from RethinkX which outlined how higher quality alternatives will become cheaper and more accessible as technology and processes (such as precision fermentation (PF)) take over the industry.

Dairy and cattle industries predicted to collapse

The report suggested that the price of PF proteins will be five times cheaper than traditional animal proteins by 2030, and 10 times cheaper by 2035.

When the New Food team attended FIE in Paris last year, the phrase ‘plant-based’ was on everybody’s lips and it is clear to see that this movement will continue to grow in 2020. Whether this means that other industries will suffer is unclear, but it’ll certainly be interesting to see how our diet and lifestyles develop and the affects this will have on other sectors. 

6. Food labelling changes after Brexit

With Brexit approaching, this story detailed guidance published by the UK government in February 2019 for food manufacturers, producers, retailers and suppliers on possible changes to food labels.

The guidance explored concerns such as country of origin, organic labels and EU emblems. Brexit is now planned for 31 January 2020, and so this guidance may be just as relevant now as it was 10 months ago and is well-worth a read.

5. Recall roundup

Recall roundup: infant milk, salmon and breakfast burritosIn 2019, New Food introduced its regular Recall Roundup series. With an increase of allergy-related health incidents and products sometimes being mislabelled, contaminated or linked to foodborne illnesses, food product recalls are more prevalent than ever. Within the Recall Roundup series, we keep an up-to-date account of large-scale product recalls that pose potential dangers to consumers and industry alike.

4. Investors call for fish farming changes after damaging report

At number four is a story that covered a report by FAIRR, which noted that environmental and health risks are threatening the $230 billion aquaculture industry. Concerns included climate change, algal blooms, antibiotics, fish feed supply and governance.

The report also included some emerging management practices and innovations that aim to help these challenges, such as the use of probiotics to reduce antibiotic use, alternative fishmeal and the use of plant-based ingredients.

3. Study assesses link between dried fruit and cancer risk

Taking third place was a study that concluded the consumption of dried fruit such as prunes, figs and dates was linked to a reduction in the risk of some cancers. The California Prune Board pledged for further research in order for consumers and manufacturers to understand the health benefits and the potential future increase in use as an ingredient.

2. Recent E. Coli 0157:H7 outbreak linked to romaine lettuce “appears to be over”

In November 2019, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the 2019 E. Coli outbreak, which involved 23 illnesses across 12 US states, appeared to be over.

The FDA also released guidelines on how to review processes and improve traceability in order to improve general foods safety.

1. Top 10 food and beverage trends for 2020, according to THP

Tribal roots - Feijoada in yucca with rice

Tribal roots – Feijoada in yucca with rice

Taking first place is THP’s Flavour and Trend Forecast for 2020. The report highlights the latest ingredients, cooking techniques and culinary ideas driving innovation and disruption within the food and beverage industry.

The predictions include a rise in uncultivated botanicals, tartness, zero-waste cooking, mood food, edible packaging, portable snacks and tribal roots.

Will these trends happen? I guess we’ll soon find out! In any case, 2019 it’s been nice knowing you – and hello 2020. 

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