
IIR publishes Note on The Role of Refrigeration in Worldwide Nutrition

Posted: 24 April 2020 | | No comments yet

The Informatory Note aims to demonstrate the role that cold chains can play in improving global food security.

IIR publishes Note on The Role of Refrigeration in Worldwide Nutrition

In line with its corporate objective to promote knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies and applications on a global scale, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has published a new Informatory Note on “The Role of Refrigeration in Worldwide Nutrition”.

The sixth IIR Informatory Note on The Role of Refrigeration in Worldwide Nutrition draws on the latest figures, findings from reputable organisations such as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the United Nations and the Global Cold Chain Alliance, to demonstrate the essential role that efficient cold chains can play in improving global food security.

An update of previous versions published by the IIR in November 1996 and June 2009, and this Note aims to emphasise the importance of refrigeration by proving that a more efficient cold chain can significantly reduce food losses and thus improve food safety and security in a sustainable way.

In this respect, the Note provides a series of recommendations with the aim of supporting efforts at national and international levels to implement appropriate measures in order to fulfil global commitments.

Some key figures from the Note include:

  • Over 13 percent of all food is lost due to a lack of refrigeration
  • An improved cold chain could feed 950 million inhabitants per year
  • More than 1,600 million tonnes of food are lost and wasted every year
  • 63 percent of all food losses come from developing countries.

Designed to meet the needs of decision makers worldwide, a complementary Summary Sheet for Policymakers outlining the key issues identified in the full version of this IIR Informatory Note is also available.

Both publications are available in French and English.