
Quality products you can always feel good about: learn about Coke’s ingredients

Posted: 14 August 2013 | Coca-Cola | No comments yet

Earlier this year, we announced our global commitments for a happy, healthier world…

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Earlier this year, we announced our global commitments for a happy, healthier world and our Coming Together campaign to bring people together and help find workable solutions to obesity. We know that when people come together, real progress happens. We believe there is a real opportunity to help people learn more about the safety of and benefits that low- and no-calorie sweeteners provide for weight management. When used consistently in place of caloric options, low- and no-calorie sweeteners offer a great way for people to manage their calories while still enjoying the sweet taste they love.

While the safety and benefits of ingredients, like aspartame, are supported by more than 200 studies spanning 40 years, we understand people still have questions about aspartame and other low- and no-calorie sweeteners. We made it a priority to address these questions and provide the information and education to reinforce that these are ingredients people can feel good about.

As an extension of our global commitments, we are beginning a conversation about the role low- and no-calorie sweeteners can play to help people manage their calorie intake and weight. This week we will run a new print ad called “Quality and Ingredients.” The ad makes clear the safety and benefits of low- and no-calorie sweeteners used in our portfolio and provides information on our ingredients. View the ad here.

The ad provides information on our ingredients including aspartame and invites people to learn more at The Coca-Cola Company Beverage Institute for Health & Wellness website, Here, in addition to a broad array of information about the nutrition, health and the benefits of our ingredients, you also will find our aspartame infographic, with links to third-party studies and position papers supporting the safety and benefits of low- and no-calorie sweeteners. This supports our commitment to providing people with the beverage options and fact-based nutrition information they need to make the right choices for themselves and their families.

The ad will run in newspapers in Atlanta and Chicago during the month of August. We’ll be engaging on a number of different fronts with people who want to hear from us about the low- and no-calorie sweeteners in our beverages. To learn more about the how Coca-Cola is working with businesses, government, the scientific community, parents and caregivers – to help find solutions to obesity, please go to

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