
Leader needed for Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory

Posted: 18 March 2021 | | No comments yet

The new appointment will help cement the relationship between public health authorities and academia, one which is crucial in maintaining high food safety standards in Canada.

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The Public Health Agency of Canada and the University of Manitoba are collaborating in the recruitment of a scientific leader in infectious disease laboratory science to lead Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML).

This individual will hold a faculty position in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease at the University of Manitoba and will be assigned full-time to the position of Vice-President of the National Microbiology Laboratory, reporting to the President of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

The authorities say a renewable Interchange Canada agreement will be put in place to effect this arrangement, following the appointment of the successful candidate by the University.

It’s hoped that this high-profile appointment will ensure that the Vice-President of the National Microbiology Laboratory maintains optimal integration with academia. The two institutions say the appointment will build on the existing shared teaching, research and training environments that characterise the relationship between the University of Manitoba and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

The National Microbiology Laboratory is a recognised leader in laboratory-based infectious disease science, both nationally and internationally. As part of the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, also home to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, both human and animal containment level 4 laboratories are co-located under one roof.

“The head of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory is the Government of Canada’s leader in infectious disease laboratory science, overseeing its integration with public health action and working with other world-class institutions to find solutions to complex questions,” said Iain Stewart, President of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

“We are delighted to collaborate with the University of Manitoba to bring together the best of public health laboratory and academic research, to advance Canada’s biomedical research community, and to protect the health of Canadians.”

“The University of Manitoba has collaborated with the National Microbiology Laboratory since its inception and is committed to further enhancing our strong scientific relationships through this joint recruitment process,” added Dr. Digvir Jayas, Vice-President (Research and International) at the University of Manitoba.

“Our common goals – research excellence, innovation, and public health impact – make this recruitment model ideally suited to attract the top candidates for this position.”Mani

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