
Magnit joins other retailers in healthy eating initiative

Posted: 27 April 2021 | | No comments yet

Russian supermarket Magnit is teaming up with other retailers to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles, including increasing the availability of food low in sugar, salt, and fat.

Magnit has teamed up with other food manufacturers

Magnit is one of Russia's biggest retailers

Magnit PJSC, one of Russia’s leading retailers, and eight of the largest international food retailers are joining forces to launch the ‘United for a Healthier Future’ Initiative, in a move was announced by Jan Dunning, President and CEO of Magnit.

The Initiative will be co-chaired by Magnit, Nestlé, and Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health, with Danone, Mars Wrigley, PepsiCo, L’Oréal, Mars Petcare, and Procter & Gamble joining as regular members. Magnit says other manufacturers will also be able to join the Initiative.

“The main goal of the Initiative is to help people lead a healthier lifestyle and develop a sustainable approach to caring for themselves, their loved ones, and the environment,” said Jan Dunning, Magnit’s President and CEO.

“For us, a healthy lifestyle means not just having a balanced diet, but also taking proper care of ourselves, the people we love, and even our pets. Being the largest retail chain in the country, Magnit will unite the leading international FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) producers operating in Russia and create a platform that supports consumers to take better care of their health”.

The retailing giant says the ‘United for a Healthier Future’ Initiative will focus on three areas— Self Care, Community Care, and Employee Care. Within these three areas, Magnit and its partners plan to launch regular awareness- and engagement-building projects.

For example, the Initiative’s educational projects will be aimed at stimulating people’s interest in living a healthier lifestyle, implementing balanced diet, as well as improving awareness about how they can help to protect the environment around them through their choices. In addition, the partners will regularly conduct scientific and social studies on the topic of living a healthier lifestyle in order to identify changes in customer behaviour.

The Initiative will also draw consumers’ attention to healthier products. In particular, companies’ joint projects will aim to increase the availability of goods with lower sugar, salt, and fat content, and support giving up smoking, as well as encouraging consumers to take care of their bodies, their homes, and their pets. Those behind the initiative say the aim is to develop healthier habits by gradually increasing the share of “healthier lifestyle” products and goods in the consumer baskets.

Magnit says sustainable consumption will also be a key focus for the Initiative, and so promotion of eco-packaging and reduction of food waste will also be priorities for its members.