
Occupational exposure to pesticides: Challenges for research, evaluation and prevention

Posted: 21 October 2014 | European Food Safety Authority | No comments yet

The French food safety agency and the European Food Safety Authority are organising a joint conference on October 28 and 29 to present an overview of the latest developments in knowledge on occupational exposure to pesticides…

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The French food safety agency (ANSES) and the European Food Safety Authority are organising a joint conference on October 28 and 29 to present an overview of the latest developments in knowledge on occupational exposure to pesticides. The conference will bring together researchers and scientists from France and around the world in order to discuss developments in the field of pesticide exposure assessment as well as to promote the sharing of best practice and knowledge within the scientific community.

Different epidemiological studies conducted on population groups in the agricultural sector reveal, with varying degrees of proof, links between repeated exposure to pesticides and certain chronic diseases. However, due to a lack of data on the history of farm worker exposure to a large number of substances, it has been difficult to establish a causal link between the effects and the exposure itself. 

Risk managers and risk assessors have begun to address the issue, the former through the funding of research programmes, and the latter by improving existing risk assessment procedures and developing new ones.

In order to provide an overview of the scientific and technical developments related to the issue of pesticide exposure and to discuss the challenges and outlook for the future of assessment, prevention and protection, ANSES and EFSA are jointly organising a conference on October 28 and 29 which will bring together scientists from across France, Europe and beyond.

Discussions during the two-day conference will focus on the following topics:

  • The contribution of epidemiology to understanding the health effects of pesticides,
  • Improvements in knowledge of pesticide exposure and assessment methods,
  • The impact of technical and human factors on pesticide exposure levels.

To conclude, a round table event with participation by scientists and stakeholders will be held to examine possible improvements to be made as well as priorities and challenges for prevention and occupational health protection vis-à-vis current practices and knowledge.

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