
The Hershey Company shows off 3-D printed chocolate

Posted: 1 June 2015 | Victoria White | No comments yet

The Hershey Company demonstrated 3-D printed chocolate at the recent National Confectioners Association’s annual Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago…

The Hershey Company demonstrated 3-D printed chocolate at the recent National Confectioners Association’s annual Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago.


CREDIT: The Hershey Company

The intersection of technology and consumers’ desire for customisation is changing their experiences with confection and foods. 3-D printing is at the forefront of this shift with its nearly endless customisation capability. Staying at the forefront of confectionary innovation, Hershey has partnered with 3D Systems, the industry’s leading 3-D printing company, to introduce 3-D printed chocolate.

A finalist in Engadget’s “Best of the Consumer Electronics Show” awards, this one-of-a-kind food technology can make intricate designs and custom shapes, such as faces, animals, buildings and logos that are simply not possible with traditional chocolate molding.

The printer made its public debut at a live 3-D chocolate printing exhibition at Hershey’s Chocolate World Attraction in Hershey, Pennsylvania, last year. Hershey has since evolved the technology based on consumer feedback and the latest iteration 3-D chocolate printer—the most advanced version in the world—went on display at Sweets & Snacks. The printer will be part of a permanent exhibit at Hershey’s Chocolate World Attraction beginning later this year.

3-D printed chocolate gives consumers the opportunity to personalise their own confectionary

Speaking in December when the 3-D printer was unveiled at Hershey’s Chocolate World Attraction, Will Papa, Hershey’s Chief Research and Development Officer, said, “We are now using 3-D technology to bring Hershey goodness to consumers in unanticipated and exciting ways.

“3-D printing gives consumers nearly endless possibilities for personalising their chocolate, and our exhibit will be their first chance to see 3-D chocolate candy printing in action.”

Chuck Hull, Founder and Chief Technology Officer for 3D Systems, added, “We are committed to democratising 3-D printing, making this game-changing technology accessible and engaging for everyone.

“Our partnership with Hershey, the largest producer of quality chocolate inNorth America and a global leader in chocolate and confections, allows us to create unique, exciting and personalized edible experiences, and this is a great way to showcase the power and possibilities of 3-D printing.”

For more information about Hershey, please visit

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