
Kerry Group establishes Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute

Posted: 19 October 2015 | Victoria White | 1 comment

Kerry group has launched the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute to provide expert insight into the science and policy of health, taste and nutrition. The Institute is supported by a Scientific Advisory Council, which is made up of recognised leaders in nutrition science and research…

Kerry Group has announced the launch of the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute.


Scientific Advisory Council members (left to right): Dr Joanne Slavin, Dr Christine Loscher and Dr Sharon Donovan. CREDIT: Jason Clarke Photography

The Institute aims to provide expert insight into the science and policy of health, taste, nutrition and general wellness.

Kerry says its new Health and Nutrition Institute has three guiding principles:

  • To educate on health and wellness market trends
  • To connect with the global scientific community on regulatory and policy matters, and evolutions in scientific research
  • To advance scientific knowledge to help deliver great tasting, nutritious food and beverages

Across the globe, public health challenges such obesity and diabetes are increasingly prevalent across all ages and in all corners of the globe. This has substantially increased the focus on improving the nutritional quality of food supply to enable more nutritious and healthier food and beverage choices, while maintaining convenience. Despite this taste remains the most important factor to 41% of consumers globally when choosing food or drink products meaning that manufacturers cannot afford to look at nutrition in isolation.

Satya Jonnalagadda, Ph.D., MBA, RD, Director of Global Nutrition at Kerry said, “The challenges we are facing in terms of public health are varied, complex and are at a global scale. Action is needed at industry, social and individual level to tackle crises, such as the obesity epidemic. As a taste and nutrition leader, we want to help guide the development of evidence based products that will have a significant impact on health and still taste great.”

Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute is supported by a Scientific Advisory Council

The Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute is supported by a Scientific Advisory Council, which is made up of recognised leaders in nutrition science and research. Council members augment the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute with their learnings on scientific advancements in the areas of general wellness and nutrition for future nutritional and technology innovation. The Institute is also supported by internal Kerry advisors.

“These prominent experts hailing from exceptional institutions will help Kerry, through the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute, achieve its commitment to discovering new nutritional technologies and applications, and ultimately help consumers around the globe pursue healthier lifestyles with innovative and great tasting nutritional solutions”, said Albert McQuaid, PhD, Chief Technology Officer, Functional Ingredients & Actives.

To make the Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute easily accessible to health and nutrition professionals, a website by the same name has been launched simultaneously.

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One response to “Kerry Group establishes Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute”

  1. I am very interested in the topic of nutrition, functional and healthy eating. I am Food Chemistry and I currently marketing performance ingredients targeted to this industry; as well as being part of developing new products and healthy food formulas.

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