
Lovely Drinks introduces all-natural colas to the soft drinks market

Posted: 20 June 2016 | Victoria White, Digital Content Producer | No comments yet

Lovely Drinks, the independent artisan producer of soft drinks, has launched two brand new all-natural colas: Original Cola and Sour Cherry Cola…

Applying its traditional principles to a drink that’s renowned for its nasties, Lovely Drinks, the independent artisan producer of soft drinks, has launched two brand new all-natural colas: Original Cola and Sour Cherry Cola.

all-natural colas

Lovely Drinks says the Original Cola is a natural twist on the classic soda made with lime juice, burnt sugar and hand-blended botanicals and the Sour Cherry Cola is a natural fruity soda made with whole pressed sour cherries and hand-blended botanicals.

Commenting on the newly launched colas and the company’s reasoning behind the creation of the all-natural drinks, Co- Founder Rick Freeman Said: “Customers have been asking for years for us to make cola’s. The two we’ve come up with are based on a original cola recipe that was found years ago and are made by hand from real botanicals. There’s lemon juice, vanilla and cinnamon in there. The colourings and flavours are all natural and there’s no caffeine in either of the products and there are real sour cherries in the cherry cola!”

Lovely Drinks ‘thrilled’ with the new all-natural colas

Victoria Earle, Lovely Drinks’ co-founder and sales and marketing director, explained more about the increased demand for natural products: “With high media attention on artificial flavourings and consumers becoming more aware of their intake, there is pressure on the soft drinks industry to really think about the content of their products. The use of all-natural high-quality ingredients is not only part of the Lovely Drinks premium positioning but it is an important characteristic of the overall soft drinks industry. We are constantly developing products and exploring how best to the most natural soft drinks without the use of artificial sweeteners and without compromising the taste.”

Earle added, “We are absolutely thrilled to be introducing two all-natural colas to the premium soft drinks market.”

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