
The Food and Drink Federation’s response to UK Government’s industrial strategy

Posted: 23 January 2017 | New Food | No comments yet

As UK Prime Minister Theresa May prepares to unveil a new, more interventionist, industrial strategy on Monday 23 January, that is designed to boost the post-Brexit UK economy, we hear from FDF Director General Ian Wright CBE…


As UK Prime Minister Theresa May prepares to unveil a new, more interventionist, industrial strategy on Monday 23 January, that is designed to boost the post-Brexit UK economy, we hear from FDF Director General Ian Wright CBE and his thoughts on how it might affect the food and beverage sector.


“The Government’s modern industrial strategy is encouraging. It is an important first step which will help the UK’s food and drink manufacturers manage the range of significant economic challenges we currently face.

“We’re pleased to see measures which support innovation, encourage the development of skills and look to boost trade. These all align with food and drink manufacturers’ ambitions to grow and thrive in the UK.

“Our industry provides great jobs in manufacturing, R&D, food science and logistics – in every region of the UK. Yet we face a looming demographic skills gap, heightened by the threat of losing our valued EU workforce.

“The emphasis the Government places on developing skills, particularly in STEM subjects and in the new technical colleges, is very welcome.

“FDF has long championed the Government’s Productivity Council and highlighted the need to boost manufacturing productivity as a means of rebalancing the economy. This green paper shows a commitment to supporting growth domestically and abroad. We also welcome the backing for start-up firms, given that over 90 per cent of the businesses in our sector are SMEs.

“We look forward to the launch of the Defra-led Food and Farming plan and urge Government to deliver a joined-up policy approach which considers the UK’s entire food and drink supply chain and ensures our growing population continues to have access to safe, high quality, nutritious and affordable food.”

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