
IFST responds to the FSA’s “Regulating our Future” programme

Posted: 2 August 2017 | | No comments yet

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recently published a paper outlining progress with the “Regulating our Future” programme*. Institute of Food Science & Technology, the independent qualifying body for food professionals in Europe, recognises the paper reflects the FSA’s current evolution in the thinking, rather than a finished design of the new regulatory model.


As an independent professional body that promotes the use of science and technology for the benefit of the public, IFST supports the FSA’s focus on using data and technology to inform and intervene on food safety and authenticity risks.

IFST also supports the use of risk based food safety management to more effectively and efficiently target and manage those risks that are the highest in our food system. Therefore, IFST particularly supports the Segmentation and Assurance components of the new framework and generally the intent to drive the collection and analysis of data for risk management, across the entire model.

IFST’s charitable object focuses on ensuring safe and healthy food for the general public; the system as described could add to consumer confidence in the food supply and reduce the public health risks – the development and reporting of outcomes will be paramount to demonstrate that these aims are met.

To read IFST’s summary of the FSA’s “Regulating our Future” programme and find out what IFST is doing about it, please visit

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