Increasing the global rice bowl without harming the planet
The new research has released that there is till scope to increase yields in some of the world’s most important rice-growing areas without causing significant damage to the environment.
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The new research has released that there is till scope to increase yields in some of the world’s most important rice-growing areas without causing significant damage to the environment.
Triscuit says it will also distribute recipes and advice to families in Washington DC so they can make the most out of the fresh produce and create nutritious meals at home.
How likely would consumers be to adopt meat products reared with alternative feedstuffs? A new study suggests information and transparency are key.
New research has found that binge drinking increased among older men but not older women, with separation and divorce often associated with a higher risk of binge drinking among older men.
Despite its popularity, it’s still not known why, or even if the keto diet works. Researchers from the University of California Riverside are attempting to find out more and therefore establish whether keto is right for you.
It’s hoped that the technology used to create the fillet might be able to relieve pressure on fish stocks around the world as it is developed in the future.
Global ingredients manufacturer Cargill has committed to removing iFTAs to comply with a World Health Organization initiative to reduce the amount of iFTAs in the global food supply chain.
The FDA and CDC are investigating an outbreak of E.coli In multiple US states which is thought to have been caused by organic spinach.
Concerns are mounting over cases of Bird Flu in the UK, as more cases of Avian flu are identified among birds in North Yorkshire and Wales.
The New Food editorial team deliver the week's top food and beverage headlines in just one minute.
This week's recall roundup features recalls related to Salmonella and Listeria, while foreign objects have been detected in broccoli.
Seattle has been named as the US’ most generous city when it comes to online tipping, while the country as a whole is giving away more in terms of gratuities post-pandemic than it was before.
The report published by the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) highlights some of the work retailers have been undertaking to make the food industry a more sustainable and responsible sector.
Researchers from Germany and Austria have found that a switch to a vegan or Mediterranean diet would benefit the environment, though both diets do come with their drawbacks.
New research has forecasted a period of strong growth for the global food traceability market as consumers demand more and more transparency from their food products post-COVID-19.