British food at Kent ports will not be given priority
Infrastructure which would minimise disruption at Kent ports has been rejected by the Government, despite strong objection from NFU.
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Infrastructure which would minimise disruption at Kent ports has been rejected by the Government, despite strong objection from NFU.
The EU has ruled that plant-based burgers and sausages are here to stay, but take a harsher approach with dairy imitation products; New Food provides an update...
The use of phytochemicals and probiotics in poultry are being trialled in the US as alternatives to antibiotics to promote healthy animals.
A new whitepaper has identified that workers in the manufacturing sector are being exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution, requiring urgent regulatory intervention.
Yong Yew Hin and Fuyen Food Pte Ltd have been penalised following the discovery of illegal meat imports and unsanitary conditions respectively by the SFA.
Researchers have developed an innovative solution for quickly identifying diseased banana crops, enabling them to be tackled before they take hold or spread.
UK parliament has voted against extending the free school meal vouchers during school holidays days after Marcus Rashford launched a petition to #endchildfoodpoverty.
A new report shows a significant reduction in sales of antibiotics for farm animals in Europe between 2011 and 2018.
New Food summaries some of the key points of Emily Miles’ speech at the CIEH food safety conference, which highlighted significant funding challenges for local authorities.
The largest certifier of UK organic land, OF&G (Organic Farmers & Growers), has stated that a holistic, cohesive approach is needed to redress the balance between productivity and thriving wildlife – both of which are essential to secure a sustainable and healthy system.
Following a round of precautionary testing, the well-known turkey supplier has discovered that two of its facilities have been impacted by covid, forcing late-shift workers into isolation.
Industry has welcomed additional Government support for UK hospitality, but SIBA says small breweries are being left out.
Following the death of nine people within the same family, the Chinese National Health Commission has warned of the dangers of eating certain fermented foods.
The British Poultry Council calls for covid restrictions upon seasonal poultry workers to be removed in order to save the festive season.
UK supermarket chain Asda has opened its first sustainability store, with refill stations, less plastic, sustainable fashion lines and a recycling facility.