The shrub that could feed Africa
Researchers have identified a common shrub that, when planted next to crops, can increase crop production by up to 900 per cent.
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Researchers have identified a common shrub that, when planted next to crops, can increase crop production by up to 900 per cent.
Organisations increase their joint efforts to help countries achieve FAO's Sustainable Development Goals
Researchers have developed a method of using plastic waste and turning it into an aerogel with superior thermal insulation and strong absorption capacity.
Researchers from Europe and the USA have discovered how zinc can protect against oxidative stress - a main reason for low life expectancy.
Food manufacturers and businesses are currently facing rising costs in relation for food stockpiling in case of a 'no-deal' Brexit.
A project involving 25 scientific institutions from Germany and Europe is investigating, among other areas, food substance mixtures for toxicity.
With an increase in the number of people allergic to or being affected by sesame in foods, FDA commissioner has spoken about the next steps in labelling.
A recents study has shown that fermented dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, could provide protection against heart attacks.
Scientists are investigating ways to help plants cope with extremes they are faced with such as droughts and excess salt content in soil.
Suppliers and solution providers react to the Chancellor's new initiative.
Water used in processing seafood contains proteins, peptides, fats and micronutrients and could be used in food production, or even as a pre-prepared stock.
Desensitisation induced in the majority of children enrolled.
A study conducted found chocolate to be 1,500 years older than previously thought, with the origin being close to Ecuador in South America.
Researchers from the University of Guelph found that crude oil exposure is toxic to the hearts of fish, and could impair their migration habits.
Researchers find that it appears to have a positive effect on muscle quality and metabolism.