Two meat producers issue voluntary recalls after unannounced FSA inspections
Both meat producers emphasised the voluntary nature of their recalls after the FSA's inspections, saying the measures were 'precautionary'.
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Both meat producers emphasised the voluntary nature of their recalls after the FSA's inspections, saying the measures were 'precautionary'.
Details are sparse on the research collaboration between food and drink giant Nestlé and a digital biotech company based in Ireland.
A ten per cent rise in tea prices, 8p on can of Pepsi and gin prices rise in line with demand for ‘premium’, as UK gin sales top £1 billion in Q1 of 2018, finds new analysis.
Leading figures in the UK's food and drink sector raised their concerns about the impact Brexit could have on the country's food system.
A new £60m grants scheme where farmers can bid for cash to buy new farm equipment has been announced at a show dedicated to agri-tech.
A study which used an emerging form of nutritional education coupled with media production has shown that adults can become more savvy to advertising messages.
After noting the prevalence of food intolerance testing kits on the Irish market, issued by pharmacies and nutritional centres as well as online, the Health Products Regulatory Authority has warned that such a method of diagnosis have no scientific validity.
Unhackable, random markings on a digital key have been developed by university researchers to fight against pirated products.
A metabolite of vitamin A has been shown to prevent the reaction to beta-lactoglobulin responsible for cow's milk allergy.
After meeting in the Netherlands today, the EFSA and the EFSA's Advisory Board have issued a joint statement calling for more public investment in food safety research, including the formation of strategic partnerships such as European Joint Programmes and European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs).
Can improved animal wellbeing lead to lower amounts of antibiotics being administered and fight antimicrobial resistance? A new study hopes to find out.
A joint university-food industry project has set out to tackle the costly and labour-intensive area of raw material handling, weighing and preparation through automation and robotics.
The CEO of Lactalis has said that he "cannot rule out" the possibility that babies have consumed salmonella-contaminated milk from his company's Craon site between 2005 and last year.
Among the raft of trade announcements that emerged from UK Prime Minister Theresa May's China trip comes the news that Scotch whisky has had its trademark renewed, protecting sales in the world's largest spirit market.
Changing labour costs are causing a migration of the labour-intensive cucumber farming industry out of Germany to Eastern Europe and India. Researchers in Berlin have set out to develop technology that will keep the nation's cucumber production 'commercially viable'.