Anchor Cheddar campaign to ‘save the cheese sandwich’ a success
27 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Anchor Cheddar has been on a mission for the last four months to remind the British public of the great taste of cheddar cheese sandwiches...
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27 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Anchor Cheddar has been on a mission for the last four months to remind the British public of the great taste of cheddar cheese sandwiches...
27 May 2015 | By Victoria White
EFSA has republished its scientific opinion on the risks to public health from perchlorate in food, particularly in fruit and vegetables...
27 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Hormel, a multinational manufacturer and marketer of consumer-branded food and meat products, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Applegate...
26 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Susan Kilsby and Christos Ioannou intend to retire from the Board of Directors of Coca-Cola HBC after the Company's AGM on 23 June 2015...
26 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Danish Crown subsidiary KLS Ugglarps AB is expected to take over a majority stake in the Dalsjöfors Slakteri slaughterhouse later this year...
26 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Royal FrieslandCampina's Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) Report for 2014 shows that it has achieved tangible results with respect to its CSR goals...
26 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Executives from Tyson Foods told investors at the BMO Farm to Market conference that the company is strategically diversified...
26 May 2015 | By NSF International
Professional athletes face scrutiny when taking supplements today. They need to minimise health risks so selecting the ‘right’ supplement, not containing anything listed on WADA’s banned substance list is paramount. NSF International Nutritional Supplement General Manager, Lisa Thomas talks about the importance of taking supplements that are Certified for Sport®...
23 May 2015 | By Victoria White
A team has demonstrated cream separation from natural whole milk at litre-scales for the first time using ultrasonic standing waves...
22 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Müller Wiseman Dairies has launched its first 250g packs of butter for the food-service and retail convenience sectors...
22 May 2015 | By Victoria White
FSA has completed a programme of unannounced inspections of all UK slaughterhouses to ensure they are meeting their obligations on animal welfare standards...
22 May 2015 | By Victoria White
ADM CEO Juan Luciano has said that further progress on ADM’s value-creation journey could drive medium-term earnings power well above the $3.00 level...
22 May 2015 | By Victoria White
After increasing its milk price by 1.5 eurocent per kg in April and maintaining the price in May, Arla's June milk price will reduce by one eurocent per kg...
22 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Brakes has taken the Sustainable Fish Cities pledge, committing to measures which will ensure that their own brand fish products are sustainably sourced...
22 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Of the 84.6% of DOC Kaas members who turned out to vote at their general assembly on Thursday 21 May, 95.3% voted in favour of a merger with the DMK Group...