A.G. BARR releases final results: core brands grew in 2014
27 March 2015 | By Victoria White
A.G. BARR, which produces some of the UK’s leading brands, including IRN-BRU, has announced its final results for the 12 months to 25 January 2015...
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27 March 2015 | By Victoria White
A.G. BARR, which produces some of the UK’s leading brands, including IRN-BRU, has announced its final results for the 12 months to 25 January 2015...
27 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Nestlé has reported progress on its 2014 targets for the responsible sourcing of dairy, meat, poultry and eggs as it works to improve animal welfare...
26 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Danish Crown and Westfleisch plan to join forces on the deboning sow meat. With a 50:50‐investment they are proposing to found the joint venture WESTCROWN...
26 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Diageo has said it is commited to providing consumers with alcohol content and nutrition information per typical serve - a first for any alcohol company...
26 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Mondelez International has announced that Robin Hargrove, 49, will become Executive Vice President, Research, Development and Quality from 1 April 2015...
26 March 2015 | By Victoria White
A new anaerobic digestion system at Nestlé’s factory in Fawdon is turning chocolate and confectionery waste into renewable energy and clean water...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
The final two research reports, in a series commissioned by the FSA to evaluate the FHRS and FHIS are being published today...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued its Chief Scientific Advisor’s first Science Report, focusing on foodborne viruses...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
The Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) has published an extensive review of viruses in the food chain...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Heinz and Kraft have signed a definitive merger agreement to form The Kraft Heinz Company, forming the 3rd largest food and drinks company in North America...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
There is no evidence that the Ebola virus can be transmitted through food in the European Union, according to EFSA scientists...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
In 2014, 98% of Nestlé’s portfolio of products for children met its Nutritional Foundation criteria for salt reduction and for sugar reduction...
25 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Arla Foods amba is raising its on-account milk price from 30 March 2015 by 1.5 eurocents as Sterling continues to strengthen...
24 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Goats and sheep in many countries are increasingly threatened by peste des petits ruminants (PPR). Upcoming conference discusses elimination of PPR by 2030...
24 March 2015 | By Victoria White
Keen Nutrition's Keen Nut Butter has been voted runner up in the People’s Choice Awards in this year’s Northern Ireland Food and Drink Awards...