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Allergens in food: scientific advice updated

27 November 2014 | By The European Food Safety Authority

EFSA has updated its scientific advice on food allergens. The Authority’s Scientific Opinion looks in detail at all the allergenic products and substances whose presence in food must be indicated on labelling, according to EU law...

USP develops new tool to assess vulnerabilities for food fraud

26 November 2014 | By The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention

The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) pre-released today a first-of-its-kind guidance document that offers a framework for the food industry and regulators to develop and implement preventive management systems to deal specifically with economically-motivated fraudulent adulteration of food ingredients...

Jim Moseley named as acting director of Food and Drink Federation

21 November 2014 | By Food and Drink Federation (FDF)

Former Managing Director of General Mills UK, Eire & Nordic and FDF President from 2011-13, Jim Moseley is to become Acting Director General of the Food and Drink Federation, following the resignation of Melanie Leech...

FSA advice about avian (bird) flu

19 November 2014 | By The Food Standards Agency

On the basis of current scientific evidence, our advice is that bird flu does not pose a food safety risk for UK consumers...

ADM completes acquisition of Specialty Commodities Inc.

19 November 2014 | By Archer Daniels Midland Company

Archer Daniels Midland Company announced that it had completed its acquisition of Specialty Commodities Inc., a leading originator, processor and distributor of healthy ingredients, including nuts, fruits, seeds, legumes and ancient grains, for $191 million (including $95 million in working capital), subject to post-closing adjustments...

NBPOL: Update on cash takeover offer from Sime Darby Plantation

18 November 2014 | By New Britain Palm Oil Limited

New Britain Palm Oil Limited, one of the world's largest fully integrated producers of sustainable palm oil, provides the following update regarding the cash offer by Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd (“Sime Darby Plantation”) for all the issued and to be issued shares in NBPOL at a price of GBP…