FSA update on testing of beef products for horse DNA
22 February 2013 | By Food Standards Agency (FSA)
The FSA has received the second set of test results from the food industry, which has been checking for the presence of horse DNA...
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22 February 2013 | By Food Standards Agency (FSA)
The FSA has received the second set of test results from the food industry, which has been checking for the presence of horse DNA...
22 February 2013 | By Findus UK
Findus UK can now confirm that ‘bute’ (phenylbutazone) was not found in the Beef Lasagne (withdrawn from sale on the 4th February)...
22 February 2013 | By Birds Eye
One product sold in Belgium, Chilli Con Carne, produced by Frigilunch N.V., has tested positive for horse DNA...
22 February 2013 | By Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira
Pouttu Oy withdraws five products from sale. The products have been on sale in retail chain stores in the whole country...
21 February 2013 | By Ministry for Primary Industries
The Ministry for Primary Industries released the findings from extensive testing...
21 February 2013 | By Coca-Cola
Donald R. Keough and James B. Williams will not stand for re-election...
21 February 2013 | By Food Standards Agency (FSA)
FSA is aware that North Lanarkshire Council has reported a positive result for horse DNA in a frozen beef burger...
21 February 2013 | By Food Standards Agency (FSA)
Testing carried out by Powys County Council has shown that three samples of beef burger products have tested positive for at least 1% horse meat...
20 February 2013 | By General Mills
“Our mission is Nourishing Lives...”
20 February 2013 | By Arla Foods
Mergers, acquisitions and strong brands were behind the significant rise in Arla's turnover in 2012...
19 February 2013 | By Food Standards Agency (FSA)
The FSA has expanded its UK-wide survey of food authenticity in processed meat products being carried out through local authorities...
19 February 2013 | By Danone
Danone is preparing a cost-reduction and adaptation plan for its organizations...
18 February 2013 | By Coca-Cola
The Coca-Cola Company announced that Ingrid Saunders Jones is set to retire after 30 years...
15 February 2013 | By Food Standards Agency (FSA)
The FSA is publishing the first set of industry results from beef products that have been tested for the presence of horse DNA...
14 February 2013 | By H.J. Heinz Company
“We look forward to partnering with Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital..."