Levy UK+I and ExCeL prioritise sustainability in partnership
ExCeL London and Levy UK+I have decided to continue a long-term catering partnership with the aim of being “sustainable leaders”.
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ExCeL London and Levy UK+I have decided to continue a long-term catering partnership with the aim of being “sustainable leaders”.
Leicester City Council has teamed up with Samworth Brothers and Company Shop to provide children eligible for free school meals with fruit, vegetables, milk, bread and other cupboard essentials.
Researchers have found shellac-based coating makes pulp materials suitable for food without using petroleum-based polymers or metals.
The Marine Stewardship Council UK & Ireland Market Report 2022 highlighted that Iceland was followed closely by Tesco and Lidl.
The new EU project, CLEVERFOOD, is aiming to change the European food system to benefits climate, sustainability, biodiversity and public health.
A team of researchers led by the University of Buffalo found the US does not have rigorous regulations for baby food.
Researchers say they have found the “first full, high quality” reference genome for a genetically improved tilapia strain.
A manufacturer of emergency food supplies in the UK and US is now available on Amazon for various countries in Europe.
In this week’s recall roundup New Food highlights food recalls in the UK and US including plastic found in grated cheese.
The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment has called on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation to make further sustainable changes.
According to a new study, a combination of proteins and antioxidants in milky coffee doubles the anti-inflammatory properties immune cells.
Aldi have announced the launch of a collaboration with surplus food platform, Too Good To Go, with the aim of reducing food waste.
UK supermarket giant Tesco has announced the launch of it’s low-carbon fertiliser roll-out to increase food security and decrease its carbon footprint.
A UK-based company has produced what they claim to be the first-ever cultivated steak fillet made using pork cells.
Researchers have created a tool that can improve understanding of subtle metabolic types of dietary nutrients and disease.