From beehive to jar – honey authenticity explained
Rick Mumford from the FSA explores the honey supply chain and the unique issues that can put it at risk of food fraud.
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Rick Mumford from the FSA explores the honey supply chain and the unique issues that can put it at risk of food fraud.
New research from the FSA claims the vast majority of food businesses in the UK have some form of policy on allergen labelling, and almost all had processes in place to check for allergenic ingredients.
This week's Recall Roundup features an E.Coli alert in Germany, as well as the risk of possible cyanide poisoning in Canada.
The CBD update from the FSA means the deadline is now for submission by 31 March 2021 and not validation.
In the latest FSA Takeaway, two experts discuss some key findings of the Food Allergy and Intolerance Research Programme, how good quality research informs the FSA’s work, and where its next study will lead.
This week's Recall Roundup features alerts over Salmonella in the US and Germany, and plastic and glass contamination in the UK.
This week's Recall Roundup features alerts over Listeria monocytogenes in the US and Germany, as well as undeclared allergens in Canada.
Food safety experts worry about a lack of compliance from home setups as many turn a hobby into a business during lockdown.
This week's Recall Roundup features alerts over glass contamination in Germany, as well as undeclared allergens in the UK, US and Canada.
A Salmonella outbreak has swept the UK, causing nearly 500 people to fall ill with the bacteria and several products to be recalled from supermarket shelves.
Researchers from Queen Mary University claim salt reduction targets have prevented heart disease, but that the programme is stalling.
Cow’s milk has been identified as the greatest culprit for fatal food reactions, ahead of peanuts or other types of tree nuts.
This week's Recall Roundup features alerts over plastic contamination in the UK and Germany, as well as undeclared fish allergens in the US.
Julie Pierce, FSA Director for Wales, Information and Science, responds to Prof Chris Elliott’s call to share what the government is doing to regulate the online food industry.
It’s difficult to know who should be next in line for the Covid vaccination. Here, Chris Elliott considers the case for food workers and highlights the ways in which China is managing outbreaks linked to frozen and imported food.