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HighTech Europe



Cooperation in Europe to enhance technology transfer

5 March 2012 | By Ariette Matser, Charon Zondervan and Andrea Seleljova, Wageningen UR; Fabien Boulier, Agropolis International; and Emma Holtz, SIK

Technology transfer or knowledge exchange is considered to be very important for increasing the innovation potential of the food industry in Europe. Reaching the large group of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Europe with state-of-the-art knowledge available in universities and research organisations is considered especially essential, but also very…


HIGHTECH EUROPE: A network fostering innovation in food processing

30 June 2010 | By Dr. Kerstin Lienemann, Manager DIL Office Brussels, Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e.V. & dr. ir. Iesel Van der Plancken, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Food Technology, Katholieke Universiteit & Annika Gering Project Manager, ttz Bremerhaven

Bio-, nano- and information and communication technology show high innovative power within high-tech food processing technologies. Excellent research has been carried out but has not always led to substantial innovations on the market. This European Innovation Paradox is at least partly due to a lack of knowledge transfer, especially between…