Nestlé Chairman addresses World Water Forum as company launches water report
12 March 2012 | By Nestlé
Need for “pragmatic, efficient & cost effective action” to address global water scarcity...
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12 March 2012 | By Nestlé
Need for “pragmatic, efficient & cost effective action” to address global water scarcity...
6 March 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé is entering into a new research partnership with the government of South Africa...
2 March 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé has become the first in the UK to remove all artificial ingredients from its entire confectionery range...
24 February 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé is strengthening one of its fastest growing businesses in Europe with a EUR 220 million (over CHF 265 million) investment...
26 January 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe has highlighted the global water shortage in a speech at the World Economic Forum...
20 January 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé is adapting the packaging of some of its products to ensure all ages can use them...
13 January 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé is celebrating a century of deep engagement in a country which over that period has proven its potential to be one of Asia’s economic superpowers...
11 January 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé is helping China accelerate the development of its milk industry...
11 January 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé UK and Ireland has announced that it will move its Head Office to 1 City Place Gatwick...
6 January 2012 | By The Coca-Cola Company
In Taiwan and Hong Kong, The Coca-Cola Company will enter into a license agreement with Nestlé for the NESTEA brand...
6 January 2012 | By Nestlé
The factory will produce breakfast cereals for the Turkish market as well as for 14 other countries...
5 January 2012 | By Nestlé
Nestlé to set up its first coffee ‘demonstration’ farm in India to help farmers improve quality, productivity and sustainability...
7 December 2011 | By Nestlé
Nestlé has joined a new partnership with its competitors in Brazil to help more than 2,200 dairy farms...
28 November 2011 | By Nestlé
Nestlé has decided to work with the FLA to investigate whether children are working on cocoa farms supplying its factories...
22 November 2011 | By Nestlé
Nestlé continues to invest in Brazil with the opening of a new CHF 83 million beverage factory in the state of Rio de Janeiro...