article Vigilance needed to prevent aflatoxin M1 contamination in milk 5 June 2021 | By Claire Milligan Claire Milligan of R-Biopharm Rhone examines the issue of aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products, and explains why it’s a problem that has not yet been solved by the food industry despite being around for a while.
article Food Safety In-Depth Focus – August 2020 19 August 2020 | By New Food Our latest food safety in-depth focus discusses the importance of trust and collaboration, gluten detection methods and provides a UK allergy update.
news Study on food fraud attracts attention in Europe: 1 in 3 fish dishes on menu mislead consumers 29 June 2017 | By R-Biopharm Rhone Ltd Study on mislabelled fish conducted by the Oceana institute raises a few eyebrows.
news R-Biopharm Rhône’s Rida Cube Scan monitors wine safety 12 October 2015 | By Victoria White When used in conjunction with enzymatic tests, the Rida Cube Scan that detects organic acids, sugars and sulphite in wine which are indicators of wine quality...
news New test kit detects Aflatoxin M1 in ice cream 29 September 2015 | By Victoria White Aflatoxin M1 is one of a range of mycotoxins produced by fungi which can cause adverse effects in humans and animals, including some types of cancer...
news Experts use wet summer to improve mycotoxin risk assessments 24 August 2015 | By Victoria White A new project is taking advantage of the inclement UK summer weather to gain a better understanding of mycotoxins and improve mycotoxin risk assessments
news New safety test developed to detect histamine in fish 12 August 2015 | By Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, New Food R-Biopharm has announced development of a new safety test for UK fishing and fish processing industries aimed at detecting histamine in fish.
news R-Biopharm Rhône unveils new test for toxins in rice, bread and beer 7 January 2015 | By R-Biopharm Rhone Ltd Innovative Scottish food safety company R-Biopharm Rhône has developed a new test for potentially fatal toxins which can be present in everyday foods such as rice, bread and beer...
article Beverage Processing supplement 2014 30 October 2014 | By New Food David Berryman discusses the use of fruit juices as natural colouring agents, and Paul Hughes looks at improving the nonbiological stability of beer...
news Joyce Wilcox joins R-Biopharm Rhône in a food and feed safety analysis role 7 July 2014 | By R-Biopharm Rhone Joyce Wilcox has joined R-Biopharm Rhone from Glasgow Scientific Services, a local authority official control laboratory, where she was providing a food & feed analytical service for the Public Analyst...