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The allergen maze

27 August 2020 | By

New Food's Editor questions whether the current food and drink labelling is adequate and calls for industry to develop single, standardised precautionary allergen labels so allergen sufferers can make safe choices.


Meat In-Depth Focus – June 2020

18 June 2020 | By

Our latest In-Depth Focus on meat explores how animal free meat is on the rise and a spike in demand for beef mince during the coronavirus pandemic could have lasting financial implications.


Leveraging R&D to perfect plant-based

7 May 2020 | By

Plant-based eating is sweeping the world, and emerging products are beginning to experiment with textures, flavours and colours. New Food’s Junior Editor, Sam Mehmet, hears from Michael Leonard of Motif FoodWorks about the importance of research and development.


The future of protein

24 February 2020 | By

The meat-free movement has changed the protein market for good. Dr Wayne Martindale, Associate Professor, Food Insights and Sustainability at the University of Lincoln, tells all.