Recall roundup: Microbiological contamination and foreign objects
Read the latest recall roundup affecting the UK, US, and Ireland including a microbiological contamination and silica beads found in hot chocolate.
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Read the latest recall roundup affecting the UK, US, and Ireland including a microbiological contamination and silica beads found in hot chocolate.
A study of online alcohol sales has revealed inadequacies in relation to the availability of mandatory alcohol health information and warnings.
The FSA has advised consumers in England and Wales that some chilled poultry products will have been previously frozen and defrosted to maintain Christmas stock levels.
28 November 2022 | By
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25 November 2022 | By
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Get the latest recall news from the UK, US and Ireland including undeclared allergens, plastic found in cheese and incorrect use-by dates on chicken.
Investigative journalists have allegedly found US beef producers to be using antibiotics in their cattle that WHO deems most valuable to humans.
Wales’ Rural Affairs Minister highlighted a global threat to the health of people and animals during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.
The FDA has warned seven companies for selling dietary supplements that claim to treat cardiovascular disease.
In this week’s roundup of global food recalls, there are several incidences of undeclared allergies in the UK and States, plastic contamination in Canada, reports of thebaine in poppy seeds from the Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and more.
Cultured meat milestone hit in US, as FDA declares UPSIDE Foods' lab-grown chicken as safe, edging it closer to commercialisation in the United States.
Professor Chris Elliott speaks to New Food's Joshua Minchin live at Twickenham during the Food Safety Conference.
Learn how to overcome ‘product effect’ and detect small metal contaminants in an eGuide by Mettler-Toledo; ‘Metal Detection in Food Manufacturing’
In his latest Chris' Corner, Professor Chris Elliott compares the buzz around cultured meat to the infamous dot com bubble of the 90s.
The FDA has outlined a strategy to enhance the safety of powdered infant formula by preventing Cronobacter sakazakii illnesses.