Drones and 3D imaging could help farmers measure crop height
Researchers in the USA have found a way to replace intensive manual measurement with 3D imaging captured by drones.
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Researchers in the USA have found a way to replace intensive manual measurement with 3D imaging captured by drones.
Representatives from the UK dairy industry met in London last week to show their commitment to the values enshrined in an international declaration.
After a recent blackmail case in Germany in which baby food was poisoned with ethylene glycol, we hear from Mettler Toledo about tampering protection.
Scientist have used an 'antelope perfume' to keep tsetse flies from cows, cutting sleeping sickness rates by 80 per cent.
Commenting on the European Council Summit in Brussels, Ian Wright CBE, FDF Director General welcomed what progress had been made, but added that the clock is ticking.
FAO and partners launch campaign against new Fusarium Wilt strain that jeopardises livelihoods reliant on the world’s most traded fruit...
A study on consumer trends has pegged sustainable packaging as one to watch as food manufacturers move into the new year.
To mark World Food Day, the Crop Trust supported the deposit of 4,335 samples to be squirrelled away deep inside a snow-covered mountain.
Pope Francis asked nations to collaborate in making migration a safer and voluntary choice, arguing that assuring food security for all requires tackling climate change and ending conflicts.
Bovine TB can be transferred from cows to humans through food, killing 12,000 people a year. A new plan maps out how global health bodies will fight back.
Particularly troublesome to the drier region of the world, soil salination is a significant factor in soil erosion, a problem endangering the food supply of the whole planet. The key to tackling it may come from the quinoa plant, a crop that has more than trebled in popularity in the…
A new report paints a dark picture of the worst case scenario of leaving the European Union - but the message is 'get fit for the future'.
The head of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) called for unity on illegal fishing which threatens marine ecosystems, food security and regional stability, and has led to estimated global losses of $23.5 billion annually.
During the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly at the UN Headquarters in New York, José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), called for widespread improvements to the food industry, especially with regard to waste and the supply chain...
An investigation run by the Guardian and ITV News found a supplier to Britain's supermarkets had been altering food-safety records.