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Genetic modification (GMO)



Identification of genetically modified foods – problems and unsolved questions

4 September 2007 | By Jan Pedersen and Folmer D. Eriksen, National Institute of Food, Technical University of Denmark

One of the points in the discussion of genetically modified organisms (GMO) is the consumers’ right to choose between foods from GMO (GM-foods) and traditionally produced foods. This discussion has led to the EU regulation requiring labelling of GM food products made from GM plants. However, since it is difficult…


State-of-the-art in GMO analyses

11 August 2006 | By Katervina Demnerová and Kamila Zdenvková, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague and Jaroslava Ovesná, 2Reference Laboratory for the Identification of Genes in Genetically Modified Organisms, Research Institute of Crop Production, Prague-Ruzynev

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are the products of modern biotechnologies. The name GMO was first used years ago to describe micro-organisms that had genes from other species transferred into their genetic material by the transformation. Applied to crops, the term refers to any genetic plant type that has had one…